(( Later in the program on HEW television, two local indy wrestlers were scheduled for a match to see if they would have the skills that the HEW requires out of their wrestlers.
The two young athletes are going through holds, and unloading the trash cans on each other, much to the delight of the local crowd. The camera pans throughout the crowd, catching people waving signs and others basking in the spotlight of their five seconds of fame on their local television channel.
Halfway through their match, the production crew cut to a commercial. The first segment is yet another promo for the already highly anticipated pay per view, Terrorized '99. Several action shots are shown from recent shows and the latest pay per view, Innovators of Hardcore. Then, the images change to the Terrorized '99 logo, as the voice over promotes the upcoming event, only on pay per view. As soon as he finishes his words, the image burns away.
From there, a quiet feedback from an amp is heard. Then, slowly, Zero's logo comes into view. The green letters assemble themselves, as a smoke comes off of the letters. At that point, "Infected" by Bad Religion starts to play quietly in the background as Zero's logo fades away......
......To Berkeley, California. The moonlight is shining down on Cristie Road. A light, thin patch of fog has set over the train tracks that run parallel, and eventually cross over Christie Road. Car lights can be seen in the distant, but, for now, everything is deserted along this quiet road along the back of Berkeley.
From far off, a figure can be seen walking the traintracks. He is walking slow, and has not quite yet reached the fog that hangs over the train tracks up ahead. Although, his own patch of clouds, the cloud of cigarette smoke, hangs in front of him, and slowly rises to the sky from the area that he has just walked from.
He walks closer, almost up to the patch of fog. At this moment, the car from far off has now reached up to where he is, and the headlights shine directly on him for a split second, until the car completely passes by, and eventually passes over the tracks further on down.
But, when the lights shown on him, it became apparant who this man was. Using the look as an indication, the signs of the spiked green hair, studded bracelet, tattoos, piercings, and the chain wallet told you that this man was Zero.
As he came walking closer, though, his outlook told you that he was troubled. More so than usual. From the dark blue eyes that had bags under them, to the constant facial expression of despair, Zero had something on his mind that was eating away at him. Something, only certain things in life could do this to him. And that something had come upon him in a hard way.
Zero entered the light patch of fog, not caring if it was an annoyance or not. He continued down the tracks, until, he finally came to where the tracks met Christie Road. He stopped at the gravel, and stepped off of the tracks, and sat down on their rails. With his knees propped up against the old asphalt, he takes one deep drag of his cigarette, and slowly exhales the smoke out in front of him. His eyes wander, but he begins to speak. ))
" Simon. Simon Kit. I've heard what you have said. I've heard how you're bringing back old skeletons that should have buried years ago, and never touched again. I know what your logic is behind everything. But then again, you could always use your logic to talk yourself out of whatever you done wrong, and instead, twist it around as if you had done something good. It was a skill of yours, a skill that you took as very flattering.
But, Simon, what I want to know. Why? Why have you waited ten years to finally come back and face me? Did your instincts tell you that what you did was wrong, and there was no way for your logic to get you out of it? Or is it because you wanted to wait ten years in hope that I would of forgotten? That I would have forgotten about what might have been the most crushing thing to ever happen to me. A person just can't forget about everlasting memories. They stay with a person until they die.
Simon, we were friends before. Before, when we were young, and growing up in Berkeley. When we were constantly harrassed. You and your family were my only escape most of those times. It was like a refuge for me. A place that I could really call home.
But, ten years has passed, and conflict and confusion has arisen during that time. We were friends, I would say even until we were 14 years old. But that has all changed now. Your choices in life has forced all of that to change. I wasn't the one who wanted it to happen. It tore me apart inside when it did. It was worse than anything that any kid had ever done to me before. Because, Simon, it wasn't superficial. Broken bones can mend. No, it was inside of me. Inside, deep where surgical tools cn't get to. That was where it hit me, and knocked me out. That blow, that one punch that couldn't be replicated with a fist, it can never be erased from my memory. And it would be selfish for you to ask me to remove it. ))
(( Zero lowers his head, and thinks about what he has just said. He tosses the words around in his mind, trying to figure out the best way to say what he now needs to say.
He brings his cigarette to his mouth, and inhales a cloud of smoke. Holding the smoke in, he lifts his head up, looking into the sky through the patch of fog. He then blows the cigarette smoke straight up, watching it mix in with the fog and form as one unit.
He lowers his head back down level with the tracks. He flicks the ashes off of his cigarette, and looks off into the city, many miles away. Their lights still shine up into the sky, though. He is looking off in that direction as he picks back up his train of thought. ))
" I wouldn't say we're enemies, Simon. Enemies know when to back off. But, contrary to what you say, I'm not afraid to have more enemies. HaVoC, this tag team that I must face tomorrow.....mere superficial enemies. But, what is another enemy? Just one more person who is after me.
But, Simon, I do not believe you are out to get me. Why would you do that? You accomplished that already, ten long years ago. If you were out to get me now, you would be wasting your time, because you have already succeeded long ago. And that is whether you decide to admit to it or not. But, I believe, deep down inside, you know that what you did was wrong.
But, you see, I'm also not a man who takes chances on guessing what another one's motives are. You say that you were in the ring Sunday to have my back. You were there to cause more pain to HaVoC? What I saw was you, standing over me, with a chair raised over your arms ready to strike. And, I was the only one in your direct path. So, of course, there are no luxury minutes in a wrestling ring to decide who is on who's side, so I done what my instints told me to do. And what you have now is a result of your own stipidity.
You see Simon, you have come back into my life. I have been through so much shit here recently, and now, you come to stir things up even worse. And you come asking for a truce, a friendship. Simon, for years, I lived my life thinking back on you, and a certain level of hatred would rise up in me because of your actions. And, you see, those are things that just cannot be erased by a simple apology or with a handshake. Those are things that take time to heal. No one can make the time clock go any faster. It's purely mental. And with what you done, Simon, I don't know if I can ever accept your apology and forgive you.
You're making a mistake by being here. I know you have come to talk to me again, but I am not going to listen. And by being here, you're leaving yourself open to anyone who doesn't like you. People here get a hatred for people just because they're different. It would not be wise for you to stay. If you ever would get in trouble, you have no friends here to help you.... "
(( Zero holds those words on the tip of his tongue, repeating the words that he had just said, over and over again in his head. It didn't sound the way he had imagined that it would. He lowers his head, possibly in more confusion than he had been in before he arrived where the train tracks met Christie Road.
Zero takes a last drag off of his cigarette, and flicks the butt off to the road. He then slowly rises, and stands back up on the train tracks. He looks off into the sky, and, inserting his hands into his pockets, continues walking off with his head down, further down the train tracks. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion