(( Berkeley, California. It is nearing midnight. The moon is hidden behind the clouds, creating a dark setting over the town. This, in change, causes an uneasy setting over the common by-standers of Berkeley, knowing the edge of the criminal life will be out tonight.
On Gilman Street, the club is quiet. No band is playing tonight, unusual, for there is always either a local punk band or a band on tour playing there.
Past the club, the alleys come into view. Dark, cold, and mysterious. Not to be entered alone by the common man.
Once you get past the alleys, the junkyard and apartments come into view. The junkyard appears abandoned for right now. The yard is still from any working or stealing.
But past the club, alleys, and junkyard, lays the Gilman apartments. It is here where Dotcom is traveling to. More specifically, to room #13 of the Gilman apartments.
Yesterday, after the HEW had not heard from Zero in over three days, and after he had missed a scheduled house show appearance, the HEW was going to send Damon Cutter to Berkeley to do a report with him, and find out what is going on. The only problem was, was that Damon and the HEW both knew about what had happened almost a month ago from the last time Damon had tried to get an interview with Zero. It had led to Zero breaking into the HEW headquarters, and even causing $500 worth of damage as a result of Zero being angered by Damon.
The HEW wasn't sure what they were going to do. Lecompte was on vacation, Joey had been fired, and the Ringleader was already in Berkeley doing a segment with HaVoC.
It was then that Dotcom had stepped up, and offered to take the job. He would travel to Berkeley, find Zero, and ask him the important questions.
The HEW wasn't sure if they really wanted to send Dotcom, in fear of would he even be able to protect himself. But Dotcom had insisted, and so, he was traveling to Berkeley the next morning.
And now, tonight, Dotcom was driving up to the Gilman apartments. With his destination as being room #13. Home of Zero.
There were more important reasons for Dotcom taking the job, though. For months, even a year, Dotcom had been the one person who was always looked over. It was always Damon Cutter getting to do the big reports. Or Lecompte and the Ringleader who were always getting the big interviews. But never Dotcom. He was always being stuck with paper work back at Hardcore City. Never the chance to drive out, and do the reporting that he so desperately longed for.
But now was his big chance. A chance that he would surely capitalize on. An interview/report with Zero. The most elusive and hard to maintain subjects. Dotcom thought that if he could meet up with Zero, and hold this without a hitch, a probable raise and even more chances at doing long range reports would be offered to him. Maybe.
But if he arrived, and found Zero at an untimely moment, Dotcom wasn't sure what he was going to do. He knew that Zero had became infuriated over Damon Cutter, and Dotcom wasn't sure how Zero would respond to another reporter coming to do an interview. But, every reporter must take his risks. This was his.
As Dotcom rounded 6th Street, and came upon Gilman Street, Berkeley was lit up to him. For the first time, the first time that Dotcom had ever been to Berkeley, he finally saw why Zero was who he was. Litter lined the streets. Bums could be seen on the curbs, begging for money or a scrap of food. Some were just plainly searching for it in the discarded fast food packages.
As Dotcom drove down the road, he saw the alleys which line Gilman Street. Long, dark alleys. Bearing an uneasiness in Dotcom's stomach, even if he was in his car. The alleys would be the easiest way to get mugged, or even killed here, was what Dotcom was tossing through his head. He must be sure to stay clear of them.
Driving along further, he passed the Gilman club. The fabled club that Zero had so often spoken of. But, it wasn't quite what Dotcom had expected. He thinking more of the nice, large clubs in the bigger cities. But this one was small, and wore out looking. Stickers adorned the front of the door, and a big Anarchy logo had been sprayed of the window. The Gilman club and Zero connected, finally, in Dotcom's mind. They were for each other.
He drove past the club, past the junkyard and more various alleys. He could see the apartments coming in closer. He would soon start his interview, hopefully, with Zero. Dotcom was excited, but an uneasiness was settling over him as he got closer to the apartments. He wasn't sure if this was the greatest idea that he had ever thought of.
He arrived at the Gilman apartments. He parked kinda far off from the entrance to the apartments. As he turned the motor off, he sat in his car for a moment. He looked out at what he had arrived at. Apartments, three levels high. Ten house a level. Worn out looking. Dirty. Graffiti covered the side walls. Dotcom figured the rent must not be too high here. They couldn't attract your normal people if they charged too much...not with the way these apartments looked. But, he guessed Zero had saw something in them.
Dotcom surveid what he needed. His pocket recorder. He, unlike Damon Cutter, though, only had one. He had to hope that Zero wouldn't destroy this one. He also had a notepad filled with questions that he needed to ask Zero. And there were plantly of them that he needed to address.
Dotcom looked in his rear view mirror, making sure that he looked nice. Although he wasn't sure if it would matter here. Regardless, though, he made sure his hair was in place, his glasses were positioned correctly over his eyes. He had needed to shave, but he hadn't had time. He quickly looked down at his tie, and adjusted it. But, then he looked at the apartments and surroundings, and decided that maybe a tie wouldn't be very accepted here, and would probably cause him to stand out more, and, quite possibly, even cause a fight with one of the residents.
So Dotcom quickly loosened his tie, and slid it off over his head. Then, he unbuttoned a few top buttons, just to be safe.
He then got out of his car. Straightening his slacks, he calmly closed the car door, trying to shun away the nervousness that was quietly exploding into his hands and chin. He knew now that maybe paper work would be okay to do for the rest of his life, and just get his kicks out of announcing on television.
But, he was already here. He couldn't be the pansy that everyone already thought he was, and turn around and leave. Plus, he would be wasting the HEW's money that they had used to fly him out here, and for the car rental. He had to follow through with this.
He slowly turned around, and started to walk towards the alleys. He could see people sitting under low lights off to the side. They were pierced and tattooed, and were staring at Dotcom. This increased the nervousness that Dotcom already had, but he pushed on. On, to the set of stairs that led up to the second level.
He knew the people below were still watching, and talking about him. He could just feel it. But he walked on further, past apartment #11, past apartment #12, to apartment #13. Zero's apartment. Dotcom took a deep breath. It had finally come. What could be his big break. He took another deep breath. And then.....he knocked.
No answer. Dotcom's heart was thumping harder. He knocked again. No answer. Dotcom reached down for the door handle, to see if it was locked. He turned it....but it was locked. Dotcom knocked again. No answer. What was he to do? He couldn't just turn around now, not after he had come this far.
He walked over to a window, and looked in. He couldn't see clearly, but he could make out clothes scattered on the floor, and cd's thrown onto a couch. He got on his tip-toes, trying to get a better view.
When suddenly, a voice behind him spoke up... ))
" What do you want! "
(( Dotcom froze. His worst nightmare had come to pass. He was alone in a world where he wouldn't be accepted. And now, he just knew that one of those pierced tattoo'ed people had come to kill him in cold blood.
He slowly turned around. He couldn't make out the figure clearly, but he could tell that this was one of the people who were sitting under the light. He could make out facial piercings, and bright green hair.
Slowly, he responded to this man... ))
" I-I-I...sorry. I, um...I'm looking ffffor Zero. I wasss told that he lives here. Sorry for intruding uponnn you. I-I must of had the wrong address. Sorry...sorry...I'll be leaving now. "
(( Dotcom looked at this man. The man wasn't smiling, or showing any amusement. He was just staring straight into Dotcom's eyes. And observing the dress of Dotcom.
Dotcom knew he should of dressed more relaxed. He quickly tried to cover it up... ))
" I'm with the HEW....where Zero wrestles at. I was told to come here to get some words from him, because he's missed a house show and no one has heard from him. That's all I'm here for, I swear. If I'm causing you trouble by my being here, though. I can just leave. I promise. I-I-I.... "
(( The man in front of Dotcom crossed his arms, and stared at Dotcom. He looked past him, at Zero's apartment, and then down at his friends who were watching below.
Then, he uncrossed his arms, and looked out past the apartment. Then, his eyes cut back to Dotcom. ))
" You want Zero? You have come from the HEW? You actually think I would believe that? "
(( Dotcom's lip starts to quiver. ))
" But, you know what. I think I do believe you. You look like too much of a tight up bitch to be lying. Cause you probably couldn't lie to save your ass.
But, I don't think Zero is in a real talkable mood. I tried to talk to him yesterday. He wasn't saying too much. But, I can give you a chance to talk to him.
I'll warn you, though. He isn't up to his usual self. There's something not right in his head right now. He looks tired as fuck, like he hasn't slept in a week. But, I'll tell you where he is. Where he has been spending most of his time lately. "
(( Wasn't up to his usual self?! Dotcom could only imagine what that would mean. That he is angrier than he usually is? That he is more adrift? That he would be more haphazard? Dotcom had no idea.
He looked at the man who stood before him. He was his link to finding out where Zero was.
But the man didn't say anything else to him. He merely pointed. Pointed...past the apartments, to an alley that ran alongside the apartments. Dotcom followed his finger, and looked off. It was then that he froze.
The very alley that he had shuddered of when he had went past it on his way to the apartment. And now, he must enter it to find Zero. Was his job really worth this? Dotcom was having serious doubts.
He looked to the person, but the guy said nothing. He just turned, and walked down the stairs, leaving Dotcom alone on the second level. Alone, with the thought of having to enter the alley. The dark, mysterious alleys where death could come easily. At least, this was what Dotcom thought.
But, he knew he had come this far. He couldn't stop now. He must continue this interview, or, more likely, START this interview. He couldn't be the pansy that everyone thought he was to be.
Dotcom slowly turned, and started walking towards the steps. The people below were watching him, but Dotcom didn't care. He continued on, and started walking down the steps. Walking, until he had came to the bottom. He then paused. Looked around. At the people over to his left. They were laughing amongst each other, but Dotcom tried to ignore them. He turned, and started to make the slow walk towards the alley.
From even one hundred feet off, he could already smell the garbage from the dumpsters at the end of the alley. It was horrible. And that was the least of his worries. What if something else was in there? Something, or someone, besides Zero. What if the person he had just talked to had told him of a trap? What if there was actually a killer in the alley, and the person was just setting him up to be robbed and murdered? These thoughts were flashing through Dotcom's head faster and faster as he got closer to the alley.
Should he turn back? Dotcom was now at the entrance to the alley. Right next to the dumpster that was emmitting the terrible smells. Should he just forget that he ever came here, go back to his car, and leave? He could just tell the HEW that Zero was no where to be found.
Or, should he pursue on? Should he hope to maybe get that scoop, and get that praise? The praise from going straight into Zero's world, the alleys of Berkeley, and talking to the man himself. By getting what was needed to know by the HEW from Zero. That would be a high accomplishment. And Dotcom wasn't sure if he was going to just let it pass on by now. He had to enter the alley. He had to find out what was going on with Zero.
And so, Dotcom entered into the alley. Into Zero's domain. With one objective, one mission. To get what he came for, and then quickly leave.
The smell of the alley wasn't so bad once he got past the initial dumpster. It actually almost smelled normal in the alley. Or, as normal as Berkeley would get. Dotcom wasn't too sure what that was exactly. But he walked further on.
In the distance, he could see what appeared to be a brick wall, and another dumpster. Dotcom wasn't sure is Zero was down there, but if he wasn't, Dotcom wasn't too sure what he would do. He was relying wholely on the fact that he would get strength from numbers by knowing that Zero was at the end of the alley.
He walked a little further. His nose picked up another smell. It wasn't like the smell of the dumpster. It was....the smell of cigarette smoke. Ah-hah! Dotcom hoped that this was Zero's cigarette smoke, and not the smoke of someone else in the alley.
He started calling out... ))
" Zero! Zero? Are you in here? It's Dotcom. You in here? I was told you were. Zero? Hello? "
(( No answer. Dotcom was becoming a little paranoid now. He knew that he had smelled cigarette smoke, and that he had been told that Zero was here. Now, as he neared the end of the alley, he had found no Zero. And wasn't sure what lurked on the other side of the dumpster.
He was about to turn around, and run out, when suddenly, a voice rang out... ))
" Well, the sorry excuse for a web-site address has decided to come. I see that Damon Cutter learned his lesson. "
(( Dotcom became paralyzed where he stood. It was Zero! He had spoken from somewhere in the darkness, completely scaring Dotcom out of his mind.
And then, suddenly, the inside of a garbage can on the other side of the alley was lit up into flames. Zero was standing over it, cigarette in mouth, and a burning match in his hand.
Dotcom looked at him. The person from the apartment was right. Zero didn't look the same as usual. In a way he did, but in a way he didn't. He was dressed like he normally dressed. A Bad Religion t-shirt and a pair of cargo pants, with his Converse Chuck Taylor All-Stars on.
His right arm still had the tattoos that came down his right arm, ending at the spider web and double line tattoos. He still had the ear-rings and lip ring and eyebrow ring. He still had a studded bracelet on, and a chain wallet dangling beside his right leg.
But there was something about Zero that wasn't normal. His bleached hair wasn't spiked up like usual. It was more flat, more messed up, in a way that didn't look intentional.
But his eyes. There was something about Zero's blue eyes. Dotcom couldn't tell clearly from what little light the fire gave off, but he could tell that they looked awfully heavy. And worn out. Very stressed. And with bags forming under them. You can always tell how someone is by looking at their eyes. And Dotcom could tell that something was troubling Zero very much so.
But Zero broke Dotcom's studying by making reference to the wet spot seeping through on the crotch of Dotcom's pants. ))
" It appears as though you have gotten a little too excited? Or frightened? "
(( Zero pointed at Dotcom's pants. Dotcom looked down, and realized that he had pissed his pants. He wasn't sure when it had happened. Was it when he was startled at the apartments? Or when he first entered the alley? Or when Zero had startled him in the alley?
He wasn't sure, but it was obvious that he had pissed his pants. But Dotcom tried to act professional about it, and come up with a new topic....fast. ))
" Uh...uh...Zero. Glad I could finally find you. See, well....the HEW sent me here to find out some answers from you. About why you missed the house show, and why you haven't said anything to anyone, and..... "
(( Zero lifted the cigarette to his mouth, and took a deep drag, ignoring what else Dotcom was saying. He would respond, but in his own due time.
Dotcom quickly realized this, and quit saying what he was saying. He waited for Zero to exhale the smoke. He waited as Zero looked around, not really paying attention him.
Finally, Zero walked up against a wall to the alley, and slid down into a sitting position. He then motioned to a pile of crates to his left. Motioned for Dotcom to sit down, as well.
Dotcom, eager to not make Zero mad, quickly went over to the pile of crates, and sat down. He waited. He waited, as Zero started to talk. ))
" I know why you've come. I know what they have been wondering. 'What is Zero doing?' 'Where has Zero been?' But, I take things on my own time. I decide what I want to do. No one in the HEW can tell me what to do. They can't order me around like a puppet. Maybe they can you, but I have goals and guidelines, and I am my own boss.
I have had more important things to wonder about recently. I have people from my past popping up. It brings back too many bad memories. Memories that I wish I could forget. "
(( Dotcom was listening to Zero. Listening to what he had to say. Then, he remembered his notepad which had all of his questions on it. But he didn't want to pull it out right then. He had to think. What were some of the questions that he had for Zero? Ahh, he remembered. Simon. It was more of a personal question,but many people, including Dotcom, were wondering what was really going on between the two of them.
Dotcom waited to make sure that Zero had finished what he was saying. Then, he brought up the question. ))
" So Zero, what is it between you and Simon? What really happened? What is it that was so terrible, that it tore you two apart from what seemed to be a great friendship? "
(( Zero fell silent. He took a drag from his cigarette, and stared into the ground. This was a touchy subject. A subject that might of been the whole reason for Zero's bad shape to begin with.
He traced a pattern in the ground, and then, while his head was down, began to slowly speak... ))
" Simon...is a person...from long ago. A person who I once would call my friend. But now, he is merely just a person who I view as everyone else. Someone out to take over in the spotlight, to obtain the easy way what I have worked so hard for.
He thinks that he can just come into the HEW, and we're instant friends. He thinks that the past is forgottten as soon as I see him again. But, I can't forget the past. No matter how hard I try, I can't. I want to so bad. And just rid myself of ever knowing him. That way, the pain that is there every time that I see him would simply be no more. It would be one less unnessesary obstacle in my path.
But I can't simply erase those memories. But he can simply leave. It would be doing us all a favor just to have a person like that, a person who causes trouble and pain no matter where he goes, to simply leave us.
But, I know that he will simply not leave. And I wonder what it will have to come down to. If it would come down to me having to force him to leave. I don't know. And I don't want to have to ponder on it. "
(( Zero keeps his head down, staring at nothing on the ground. Dotcom observes this. He watches as Zero slowly takes drags fom his cigarette, and then exhales. As he watches, he notices something about Zero. Something that he wondered id anyone had noticed before.
As Zero sat there, Dotcom realized that Zero was really misunderstood. Why, even himself had been scared to come to Berkeley for this interview. But, sitting here, he realized that no one had really ever talked to Zero. They had only went by his actions. And through that, they were ancy about talking to him, just as Dotcom himself had been.
Dotcom had even noticed that his nervousness was gone. It was as if he was just talking to another guy one on one. Which made it easier for Dotcom to remember the questions that he had written down on that notebook. Zero's head was still down, but Dotcom didn't want to loose his trust by ripping out a notebook full of questions.
He thought back....he remembered two instantly. One...HaVoC. The other...Tuesday night's match. Dotcom flipped the questions up in his head. He decided to ask about the match first. ))
" Well Zero, your matches since coming back to the HEW haven't really been everynight, at least on the televised shows. But now, in what could be your biggest match since returning, the 4-way match between you, Kevin Riggs, HaVoC, and Kevin Powers. What do you think about the PPV caliber match up? It is packed with probably the top four hardcore athletes, and outright superstars, of the HEW.
Why'd you choose to join into this match? "
(( Zero raised his head up a little, and stared off at the far wall. Taking a last drag from his cigarette, he flipped it far off into the shadows. The sparks caused echos of light to go through the shadows, coming out at the entrance way.
He then turned his gaze towards Dotcom. While starting to rub his semi-new tattoo, he answered Dotcom's question. ))
" A 4-way hardcore match. Against two of my toughest opponents to date, and one who I have never faced before. The reason I joined it was simple. To be in a match where I am fighting in my natural style. A hardcore match.
Being a tag champion is great. But, it isn't what I truly am. Where I feel the most at home, I can't have rules. Look around at this alley. Do you think rules would apply to it? No. I never have lived with rules. I make them up as I go along.
See, my matches lately have gotten away from the pure hardcore matches that I am used to....matches that I would always do before I was.......framed. And now, I get a chance to be in one again.
But now, it's different. I have to watch my back more carefully, because if I am fighting one man, I can never know if someone else will attack me. But, I like that. It adds more desire to the match. And more reason for me to come out victorious.
But, in this match, I know I can trust no one. There is something that has come between me and each of my opponents. Kevin Riggs, HaVoC, Kevin Powers....they'll all be gunning for Zero.
Kevin Powers. Memeber of jWo. The trio has turned our back on them. We merely used them to get at Terror Inc. And Powers was a key part of the jWo. And now, we will be at ends. I don't trust the man. I never trusted him even when Blade and I were using him and his allies. He tries to hard. He was the Extreme champion. But he was a poser amongst true hardcore athletes. He tried hard to fool everyone into believing that he truly was hardcore. That he could truly perform alongside the elite athletes here. And you can't trust a man like that. Because, if he can change his ways over just a simple belt, imagine what he would do if his pride was at stake.
In our first matchup, my first match back in the HEW, we fought to the end. And I will not make excuses. He beat me. But at the time, I was merely a man on a mission to regain what had been stolen from me....my Hardcore title. I didn't take the time to actually pay attention to what this man could do. So I entered the match, expecting to face a hardcore wrestler. But instead, I got Kevin Powers. And it threw me off a little.
But now, I am more focused than I ever have been on him. I've been in the ring before with him. I know what he can....and CAN'T, do. And I will use that against him. Because, no one has ever beaten Zero twice. And I always make sure it nevers happens.
And....Kevin Riggs. "Hardcore" Kevin Riggs. The man who put this on to begin with. The one man who will be killed first in this match.
It is ironic how he must always refer to himself as "hardcore", but yet, has NEVER held the hardcore title. In fact, he has never even came close. But yet, he is persistant to make everyone believe that he truly is the "hardcore icon" of the HEW.
He said that I was the self-proclamied "Greatest Hardcore Champion Of All Time". And, I see that he is wrong there. For I have never uttered those words about myself. Maybe he was referring to when I beat him in the votes, and won "Most Hardcore Athlete in the HEW, 1999", but I have never referred to myself as the greatest hardcore champ. I have merely reflected on past times in the HEW, and used moments to further illustrate my points. But never referring to myself like that. Unlike him. I feel that if a person has to label themselves, then they are merely insecure about their own selves. And, from there, they are merely walking a path that will abruptly end, and they will fall quickly, and without any remorse from anyone.
It might be my first match ever against Kevin Riggs, but that doesn't mean anything to me. I have seen him fight enough times to know what I am up against. The great spotlight grabbers who reach and snag for the spot lights, and end up having to ride coat tails to acheive it. Which is all he is doing here. Riding the coat tails of people like me into a PPV caliber match. "
(( Zero stopped talking for a moment. Dotcom sat there on the crates, motionless, listening to every word that Zero said.
When he realized that Zero had stopped talking, he remembered the question about HaVoC... ))
" HaVoC? And what about him? "
(( Zero's gaze wandered. He reached into his pocket, and retrieved another cigarette. Lighting it, he took a quick, short drag, and exhaled. Then, answered Dotcom's question. ))
" HaVoC. The man who I might of joined this match just to get to face. We go back. Back to when he was merely a wrestler trying to climb the ranks. He was a few rankings under some people for a shot at the Hardcore title. But, he was still awarded the shot. And he made the most of it.
At first, he had a hard time getting into the arena. He had obviously forgotten his ID, and had to knock out security officers in order to even enter the arena. And from there, he had what might of been the hardest match of his life. A match against me for the Hardcore title.
He resorted to everything. He even threw hot coffee in my face. But, when Iceman attacked him in that match, it was an easy victory for me. And I knew it. I was going to give him a rematch. But then....that was when I was framed for murder, and had to vacate the title. So actually, HaVoC and I have never really had a true 1-on-1 match, either.
But, when I returned to the HEW, I was met with a HaVoC that wasn't the same as when I had left. He had turned into a main eventer, but I question his methods. He was at the top of hit lists, when, before, he would of loved to of been hated just to have gotten a match. So, I know something happened during the time that I was away. I can just not pin point the exact details.
But now, Zero and HaVoC have returned to the scale that they once were. Only, this time, there are no titles at stake. It is merely him in control, with the power going to his head. He has decided that he can run everyone's lives now that he is commissioner, and he has taken precise methods to make sure that he make my life a miserable hell.
I wanted no part of him at first, but he has forced it to what it is now. His own selfishness has brought what is in store for him upon him. He will find out Tuesday night that he doesn't try to run and control Zero. Because, no one controls my life. I live by my own set of rules. "
(( Dotcom sat on the crates, listening to every word that Zero has said. He didn't even realize that Zero had finished. It wasn't until Zero started to get up from his sitting position that Dotcom realized that Zero had said everything that he would say.
As Zero got up to the slowly dying down fire, Dotcom also got up. He walked over to where Zero was, but Zero ignored him. It was as if Zero had been talking aloud to himself the whole time, and Dotcom just happened to of been there listening.
Finally, Zero spoke up. ))
" Tell the guys out beside the apartments to not mess you. Tell them I said so. "
(( Dotcom realized that that was Zero's way of saying leave. He decided not to stay around any longer, and push himself. He had remembered a few more questions, mainly regarding when Zero would enter into the battle for the Extreme title again, but he decided not to ask that question, or any other questions tonight. He had succeeded so far in not getting Zero angry. Why do it now.
Dotcom turned, and slowly started walking down the alley. He wasn't afraid now as much as he was before, for some reason. He turned, and took one more look back at Zero, a tired looking, confused 24 year old, and then, turned back around, and started walking further towards the exit to the alley.
As he was walking, he put his hands into his pockets, and felt his recorder. Suddenly, multiple curses filled his head. He had forgotten to record the interview! Now, he had no proof that he had even talked to Zero. What a pansy, that's all he could think. He had obtained more than anyone else ever had tonight, and still, had no proof to show for it.
He walked out of the alley, when suddenly, he had found his proof. He saw his rental, parked under a night light, from a far-off....which looked like it had been graffiti'ed while he was away.
Dotcom ran to the car, passing the tattoo'ed guys under the light. He ran until he reached the car. He was mortified. More money that the HEW would have to pay. He looked at the graffiti.
Dotcom realized that he finally had his proof. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion