(( The scene fades into a dimly lit locker room at the Greensboro Coliseum. There is a table overthrown, with a shattered pot of coffee gracing the floor. A dent is in the main door, and a bent up chair rests near beside it.
Drips of blood are on the floor, forming a swirling trail that crosses itself many times. Even further back in the room, a mirror lays against a wall, the center of the glass shattered, and scattered on the floor.
The HEW officials had heard the commotion going on a little while earlier, and had sent a camera crew back to the back of the locker rooms to cover what was going on. When they arrived, they instantly saw the effects of the anger that was bestowed upon Zero. And in the corner of the room, sitting in a chair, with his head down, and his bloody knuckles wrapped around the back of his head, they saw the creator of this destruction. Zero.
The camera man tries to make sense out of what had just happened in the room, but all that he could analyze was that Zero had gone into a rage, and had just completely torn apart the whole room. Smashing tables, throwing chairs, and punching mirrors. The dark locker room was in utter destruction.
The camera man walked a little closer to Zero, but he wasn't moving. He was as still as one could be, sitting motionless in the corner. His head was down, so the camera man didn't know if he was even awake, or what.
The camera man walked even a little closer to Zero, but Zero wasn't acknowledging that he was even in there. So, the camera man spoke up, to try to make some sense out of what had just happened. ))
Camera Man:
" Um...excuse me? Zero...what is going on? Come on, you have some explaining to do to the HEW officials. We're renting this arena. This is going to cost us a lot. What happened in here? "
(( Still no answer. Zero remained motionless in the corner. The blood from his knuckles began to drip down his arm, with tiny streams of it sliding into his t-shirt.
The camera man saw this, and pulled a rag from his back pocket to catch the blood. There was no sense in it. Why would you not clean up a wound.
The camera man took the rag, with the camera still mounted on his shoulder, and brought the rag down onto Zero's arm. It was then that Zero "awoke".
Zero grabbed the man's wrist, and raised his head straight up. The camera man looked at Zero's face. Zero's eyes were blood shot, and there was dried scrapes across Zero's forehead and neck, obviously from when he had been thrown through the table upside down.
Zero grabbed the man's wrist, and got up quickly from his chair. He then grabbed the man's shirt, and used instant momentum to send the man down onto the ground. The camera that was on the man's shoulder came smashing down onto the locker room's hard floor. It shattered, with pieces flying everywhere.
The camera man quickly tried to pick up the large pieces of the camera, but was stopped by Zero stepping over him, the anger burning in his eyes. Zero stared down at the camera man, his fists lowered to the ground, as blood trinkled off of his wrists, onto the camera man's shirt. ))
" What the hell are you expecting? Why does everyone in the whole HEW think that something drastic has happened because I destroyed a locker room?! That's not the point here. The point is.....Havoc has stepped across that line. He has brought Karen into this. The only person that I can say I actually loved, and he turns her against me. That, is when this quickly turns from him holding me down, to him going over the edge. And then you ask, what is wrong? "
(( Zero reaches down quickly, and grabs the camera, and throws it straight into the far wall. As the camera hits the wall, sparks fly off of it, and pieces fly through the air. One fairly large piece hits Zero in the chest, but Zero doesn't care.
He steps over the camera man, and grabs a monitor from the wall, rips the cord from it's socket, and rams it into another wall. Small fragments of glass and smoke from the screen disperse through the air, with some of it clinging onto the stickly blood on Zero's face and knuckles.
The camera man is becoming very scared. He realizes that something has snapped inside of Zero. Karen has obviously caused an emotional bond to wither away, releasing with it all of the trapped emotions and anger that went with it. ))
" If Havoc thinks he has found the greatest way to get under my skin, he has found it. But, his methods are far from even dirty. Using Karen to get to me shows his cowardness. Hiding behind her, the woman who I would of died for just a few months back, he's trying to get at me.
But he has to come out. He can't hide behind her. And she'll see. She'll she the conniver for what he truly is. He's just using her. He's using her to get at me. "
(( Exhausted, Zero falls down to his knees, just a few feet from the camera man's head, who is too scared to get up and leave. Zero sits there on his knees, lowering his head, with his hands beside his waist. He appears to have collapsed while still on his knees.
The camera man sees this as an oppurtunity to leave. He starts to slowly crawl up, getting to his knees...when suddenly, the locker room door flies open. Zero doesn't flinch, but the camera man's head looks to who has entered. It is Simon.
Simon disregards the camera man lying on the floor. Instead, he looks at the wreckage inside of the locker room. He sees the broken glass. The shattered camera and monitor. The over turned table. Even the bented chair. Then, his eyes come back to Zero, who is still sitting on his knees with his head down.
Simon steps over the camera man, who is sliding his way towards the open door, in an attempt to get out of the locker room before anymore chaos happens.
Simon stands over Zero, with the light in the room causing his shadow to hoover over Zero. Simon begins to shake his head at Zero, but Zero doesn't see this. His head is still lowered to the ground.
At the front of the room, the door closes. The camera man has snuck out as quickly as possible. This diverts Simon attention for a split second as he turns his head to see how the door was closed. This was when Zero raised his head up, and looked at Simon.
Simon turned back around, and his eyes met Zero's. A flash of fear went through Simon's body, but he quickly washed it away. He was the first to speak. ))
" Lint Douglas, I came here to try to help you. Every attempt that I try, you shake it away, and repremand me for it. But I'm just trying tohelp you, dammit! Even tonight, I attacked Havoc for you. I'm trying to look out for you. Can't you see that? Even with that stupid bitch hit you...... "
(( Hearing Simon say that about Karen lit a fire in Zero's soul. He quickly jumped up from his knees, and punched Simon right in the face. Simon grabbed his face, but Zero grabbed Simon by the waist, and threw him into a wall. Simon hit hard, and fell into the pieces of the busted camera.
Simon hollared out as a piece of the metal cut his arm. He groaned, his eyes loosing concentration. He gazed at Zero. But Zero was quickly walking towards him. ))
" What right do you have to come here and defend me? I don't need your help. I never wanted your help. And I will never forgive you. And, you never say that about Karen... "
(( Zero turned. Simon thought Zero was finished, but Zero grabbed the busted chair. Simon's eyes became totally focused as he saw Zero throw the chair right at him. He managed to put an arm up, but the end of the chair hit him right in the head.
Zero stormed towards Simon, and put his finger right in his face. ))
" I want you out of my life! Leave! Go back to where your rich parents are. Go on and pretend that you are punk, and that you know what it's like to be lost, but stay away from me. Stay out of this between Havoc and I. What goes on is between the two of us, but not you. I never want to see you again. "
(( Zero close fists Simon in the side of the head, and then turns, and walks away. He opens the door, walking out, hollaring to find out where Havoc is. He is told that Havoc has already left with Karen. Zero starts down the hall, with no one really sure where he is heading. Not really sure if he knows where he is heading.
Inside the locker room, though, amongst the pile of camera pieces, Simon lays. He is in pain from the beating that Zero has just given him. But, still he says aloud to himself.... ))
" Lint, Zero...can't you understand? I'm here for you? I'm not the enemy. I'm here for you. Can't you understand? Zero..... "
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion