(( The scene opens up aboard flight 9 out of Berkeley, California, aboard Delta 12. It's desitnation is Hartford.
First class is filled with the rich, business type men who sit in the seats with their laptops active. It is a non-smoking section, and free of irritating children and adolescants.
The second class is not so lucky. Smoke has filled the cabin, and children are running back and forth amongst the isles. Mothers are hollaring out to their children to settle down, but they pay them no mind. All of second class if filled with chaos.
Chaos that Zero doesn't need added to his already thinned nerves. He sits alongside a window seat, waiting for the trip to hurry and end, so he can be at rest, alone in his locker room. But, for now, his head is staring out of the window, and he is slowly smoking a cigarette.
Just then, a small child, no more than 7 years old, runs past Zero's seat, then stops, and stares at Zero for a moment. Zero tries not to give the child any attention, as far as glancing at him, in hopes that the child will go on. But, it didn't happen. The child recognized him, and started talking to Zero. ))
" Hey, you're Zero, aren't you! "
(( Zero doesn't acknowledge the kid, and continues to stare out of the window. The child is persistant, though. He reaches over, and shakes Zero's arm, trying to get his attention. ))
" Hey mister, you're Zero, aren't you? Heeeello? Are you asleep? "
(( He couldn't ignore him. The child knew who he was. Zero turned his face from the window, and looked at the child. In a slow, almost absent minded voice, Zero replied to him.))
" Yeah, I'm him. "
(( Zero hoped the child would be happy with that, but the child had even more questions to ask. ))
" I know. I see you on TV. How come you look sad? "
(( Zero looked at this little kid. He was sure that he would have even more questions if Zero answered this wrongly. He took a small drag from his cigarette, trying to think of a way to explain to him in a simple way. ))
" Mommy said smoking was bad for you. "
(( Zero didn't even want to get started there. He thought he had a simple answer to reply to the child about why he was sad, though. ))
" I'm not sad. I just have a lot on my mind. This guy that I used to know is lying about me, and this girl that I used to know now hates me. I'm not sad about it, though. I'm just thinking alot, that's all. "
(( Zero turned back to the window, in hopes that the child was now leaving. But, the child had even another question.
He tapped Zero on the arm, and asked him. ))
" Are you mad at Havoc? "
(( When the child asked that, Zero stared straight into the clouds. He realized that this kid actually knew a little about what was happening in the HEW.
He put his cigarette out in the arm tray, and turned around to the kid. ))
" I'm not sure. Well, actually, I am. I am angry with Havoc. He has taken advantage of me, tried to bury me, has tried to take everything that I appreciate, and he wants a title that I hold very close to my heart. Does that help any? "
" I think everyone should just get along. "
" Well, sometimes that isn't possible. Some people just can't get along. They are too different. That is why people argue and fight. "
(( The child was enjoying this. He was enjoying this so much, he decided he should sit beside Zero on the plane, so they could talk some more. But, Zero didn't have the same idea. He wanted to just look out of the window.
But, the child took it upon himself to start getting into the seat. It was right then a woman called out. The child looked back down the isle. It was his mother. ))
" Well, mommy wants me. Bye. "
(( Zero didn't say anything to the child as the child ran down the isle. Zero merely took out another cigarette, lit it, and went back to staring out of the plane's window. Staring, and pondering what all will happen tomorrow night at Terrorized '99. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion