(( The scene opens up in the catacombs of the locker rooms. The back halls, to the locker rooms which are secluded from the main areas. The view passes through the halls, over looking smaller areas, and seems to be focusing on a certain area.
The scene cuts to a locker room. The lights are low, and the cd player in the corner is playing a song low. The room appears to be at some-what peace, but, in the corner, sitting alone in the shadows of the locker room, sits Zero.
The view comes up closer on him. His has his elbows propped on his knees, with his face buried in his hands. He is dressed the same as he was in his match just hours earlier. But, at the front of his bleached hair, there is blood stains coursing through it. His hands, they have blood stains, as well, from the match he has just had.
He sits in the chair, moving periodically, flitching a muscle. But, for the most part, he is still. But, slowly, he raises his head from his hands. The location from his bloodshed is apparant now, from the cuts on his forehead and jaw. His eyes are blood shot, and dark. His lip, swollen from being busted twice in the Hardcore title match that he had just had with HaVoC.
The view comes in closer, as he slowly, he begins to speak. ))
" The Hardcore champion. I have finally acheived what was taken from me two months ago. A title that I had never lost. A title that I had to vacate. But, I am still without the title. Still, a hand's length away from recreating what was.
Havoc, I prooved tonight that I was the better man. Finally, all questions have been answered. Zero has beaten Havoc, with no help from others. There are no longer any doubts. I am the Hardcore champion.
But, a champion without his title. Havoc, although you were beaten, you still had the nerve to take the hardcore title with you. A title that is MINE.
You have taken Karen, someone who was mine for a long time. But, I have realized that she has made her own choice. And I think I have now accepted that, finally. You want her? You can have her. She has caused too much trouble, and I think I realize that now. And, I can even understand the trouble that she had caused me even when she was mine. But, the Hardcore title is not the same.
The nerve of you to take it, it shows who you truly are. A coward. The coward who his behind Karen for so long. And then, when it finally came time to face me, you became the coward who has hidden behind the title. Havoc, I will take back what is rightfully mine now....
But, now....someone who has shown his true side. A side that I could see long before it became evident to everyone else. Blade, you have now shown your alligence to Havoc. You showed that you could no longer be with me, for your ego was too much for you to be ruled by me. And now...you have teamed with the coward, Havoc, showing your true side, as well. "(( A trickle of blood begins to run down Zero's forehead, going down onto his nose. Zero slowly raises his hand, and wipes the blood away, and, using the blood, smears a line onto the locker room wall. ))
" The line has been drawn, Blade, and you have crossed over. You have taken that one step, the initial step, that leads into the darkness from which you can never return. Tonight, you stepped clear over, and from there, you can never turn back. Forever now, your true side will be apparant. You have crossed me, you have crossed Gettis, and now, you are standing in Havoc's shadow. When will it end? When will you cross Havoc, as well? For, your track record now shows you cannot be trusted.
To the third member of the new Trio, Bobby Jackson. Jackson, you have now shown that are willing to sacrifice anything, anything at all, just to be wanted. You crossed your ex-partner, just to be accepted by Blade and Havoc. But, can't you see? You are merely their lackey. They will easily discrad you whenever they feel, before their own selfishnees turns them against each other.
But, you have not, nor ever will, see that, because you are a follower. You can be with top, but you can't be the top.
You want a match? Were you told to ask for a match? Are you doing Havoc's bidding for him? Is he pulling your strings, for his own cowardness is too scared now to come and face me again?
I accept your challenge, Bobby Jackson. But, it WILL be non-title, for, your partner holds the title right now as I speak. I am champion in name only at the moment. But, the time will come, and everything will be complete.
For the match, Jackson....you can ask for it, regardless if you were told to fight me or not. But, I make up the rules. It will be no-DQ, and a Zero match. That, is what I choose to do, for you can never expect what will happen. Ask Havoc. Did he expect the Level Zero when I beat him tonight? No, and no one will ever expect what happens, at any given moment, what I will do in match.
The new trio, enjoy your moment while it lasts. For each of you three now have a mark. And, you each have a reason for me to be against you, even with Jackson now making a reason for himself. Be ready, but, can you ever expect what will happen? "(( Zero lays his head back into his hands. The music continues to play in the background, as the scene of the dark locker room slowly fades out. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion