(( The scene fades into the inside of an apartment. Inside, of a Gilman apartment, in Berkeley, California. Apartment #13. Zero's apartment.
Zero's inside of the apartment, walking around with just a pair of board pants on . . . pants that have been cut off at the ankles. He walks to the front room, grabbing his pack of cigarettes off of a dresser, when he sees the mail being dropped in through the mail slot on the front door. Zero retrieves a cigarette from the pack, and grabs his lighter, and then walks over to the mail lying on the floor inside of his door.
He lights up the cigarette while bending down to get the mail. It was only two pieces of mail. One, from Steve's Tattoos and Body Piercings. It was a flyer sent out to all of the company's customers. It was a place Zero had made quite a few stops by.
But, as Zero tossed the flyer onto the couch, he looked at the other piece of mail. He stopped his cigarette from going to his mouth, and stood still for a moment. It was addressed to Lint Douglas . . . with the return address being from one Simon Kit.
Zero stood still for a moment, seeing that the man from his past had finally decided to show his face again. For, the last time they had seen each other, it had been in a confrontation with each other at Terrorized '99.
Zero slowly sat down onto the couch, taking a deep drag from his cigarette as he slowly opened up the letter. He wondered what Simon had to say . . . that it would require the need to sending a letter instead of a phone call or a meeting at the HEW.
Zero pulled the letter out carefully. He unfolded the paper, and, after quickly taking a drag from his cigarette, began reading the letter . . . ))(( Zero read over the letter. He noticed the strong words that Simon had said. The truth that finally came out. That it was all an act for Simon. He had been transparent his whole life.
Lint, Zero, or whatever the hell you want me to call you,
Remember when I left Berkeley? Remember the way you felt about how I left? Remember why I left? I'm sure you do . . . that's the only thing that you could talk about concerning me. Yeah, you could never tell anyone what exactly it was the you were so bitter about . . . but I don't even care anymore. I mean, so, maybe I did leave you all alone in Berkeley. Maybe the fact that my dad had to take a transfer, and move to Shreveport, hit you too hard. Because, no matter why it happened, you will always blame me for walking out on you in your time of need.
And, you know . . . I said it wasn't my fault. I said it was my parents decision. Well, I have come to a different conclusion now. When I first came to the HEW to try to make amends for all that had happened, I knew you would be mad. Because, I knew you thought I wanted to walk out on you all those years ago. But, when I first saw you again, I thought that, maybe I truly didn't want to leave you back then. Mayeb I WAS forced to have to leave you with no friends in Berkeley.
But now, I realize, that I am happy that I got out of that piece of crap called Berkeley. It stunk there, there was nothing but trash lining the streets, and worse of all, rejects like YOU were throughout the city.
I tried to be a nice guy to you Lint, back then. Even though my parents hated you, and they never wanted me to be associated with you, because, well, let's face it, my parents had great paying jobs, and they wanted to be sure and stay associated with the upper class in Berkeley. And you . . . you didn't even HAVE parents. And, you were like, the low class, and they were worried that I would be drug down to that level, too. They were always complaining that I was even associated with you.
And, well . . . I would say that I had became brainwashed by you. I have finally snapped out of it, though. Back then, and for years, I always thought about, you know, PUNK ROCK, anarchy, rebelling, non-conformity . . . you know, everything that you always talked about. And, I even started doing it. But, I was going blind. Why did I need to do that? When my parents could just as easily pay off people, than having to have me "make an impact" and overthrow everything. Plus, what has your "punk rock lifestyle" gotten you? Not a thing . . . HAHA. You got that Havoc guy even controlling one of your old bitches. I mean, everything . . . and you're nowhere.
So, what I'm trying to say is . . . FUCK YOU! I'm gone. I will no longer be in the HEW, trying to support a lost cause with you Zero. I have finally broken free, and could care less with what you do for the rest of your life, and that stupid thing that you follow called Punk Rock. It's all a bunch of garbage, and I could care less if you died right after reading this.
Oh yeah, and Simon says . . . FOD!
Of Course, Your's Truly
Simon Kit
At first, Zero became serious, thinking back to that day when Simon had driven off with his parents. Simon, in the back seat, looking back at Zero. And Zero, standing still and strong on the side of the street, watching the only family that he had ever known, drive away forever.
And now, he knew the whole truth. But, instead of becoming angry, he actually let a small smile break his lips.
Aloud, he said to himself . . . ))
" Simon . . . the truth finally comes out, and it is clear what has really happened. And, it is true now that you never really were a friend. "
(( But, Zero didn't seem shocked by the impact of the letter. He looked over it one more time, and then, with the bud of his cigarette, lit the edge to it. The letter started up into a small flame. Zero got up, and began walking towards the sink, just as the letter erupted into one big ball of fire. Zero tossed the letter into the sink, as it burned down into ashes. Then, Zero turned the faucet on, and washed what was left of the letter right down the drain. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion