(( The scene fades into a fairly dim locker room. A monitor is playing up on the wall. A cd player is playing some music low in the background. And, sitting in the corner, wiping a bleeding forehead cut, is Zero. He is having to reapply the towel to his forehead pretty regularly, until the bleeding finally stops. The ladder had turned out to cut his forehead rather bad.
But, while doing this, he keeps looking up at the monitor, which is playing a series of matches from what appears to be from the older HEW. But, they seem to have Zero's attention.
He glances up at at the action on the monitor, before having to wipe his forehead once more. He continues this for a few moments, until he takes his attention from this, and brings his focus straight ahead.
Slowly, while wiping his forehead again, trying to get the blood stains off of his hands, he looks forward, in a half set gaze. Slowly, he speaks. ))
" Kid Violence. You have decided to grace the HEW with your presence again. You have decided that, on your terms, you are ready again to set out and conquer this league. But now, your chosen path rather contradicts all that you had accomplished before you first left.
Remember, Kid, when you saw me in that bar fight? Remember how you proposed that I enter the HEW, and put my actions to use? Do you remember that? Do you remember how we quickly became the HEW Tag champs, receiving the belts from the Pimpin' Hoes Association, only to show that our allegiance was to no one but to each other? Do you remember that?
And now, do you remember what happened? Because, it seems as though you decided to just walk out of the HEW. Did you tell anyone? Did anyone know that you left? NO. And, I was left, holding a pair of belts that could mean nothing to me after you vanished. And so, the belts were vacated.
But now, Kid Violence, it seems as though you might have had an actual reason for your disappearance. And, that reason being, what took you five months to work out, was to show that you truly did not belong in the HEW. You might of brought Zero into the HEW, but I quickly set out on my own, and established myself. Without your help.
Are you envious of this? The fact that I made it on my own, without your help at all?! Because, it seems as though you have seen the HEW, and saw that the man who was once your tag-team partner, could now be your end. For, that is the way that you appear you know want it. "
(( Zero washes his forehead once more, as the blood is starting to become less and less, and the wound starting to dry up.
From a box down beside Zero's chair, he reaches in, and pulls out the HEW Hardcore Championship. As he lays it onto his lap, he looks at it, and then looks up. ))
" Onto other things. Havoc, I see that I know can say that I hold the HEW Hardcore belt, after being the champ without his title. But, it seems, as though you are a champion as well. For the first time, this has happened.
But, what I am thinking about, is the title that YOU hold. MY title, the title that I made, that I had to recreate. The title that has my blood stains across the front of it. The title that was run over, broken, cracked, and pieced together by me! THE HEW Hardcore Title. The true belt. This, what I hold here, is nothing more than an imitation of what truly is the HEW Hardcore title. "
(( As Zero says that, he grabs the title, and throws it across the room. ))
" That belt, the one in this locker room, means nothing to me. It is mearly a piece of metal with words written across it. BUT, it is NOT the HEW Hardcore title. What you hold is the true title, and it is the title that I want, CHAMP.
There cannot be TWO Hardcore champions. There cannot be TWO belts. And, therefore, I will tell you this. Mayhem, this Friday, the question of who the HEW Hardcore champion will be ended. For, there will be a ladder match, with both belts high above the ring. The first to grab the belts, is the SOLE HEW Hardcore champ, and he chooses which title will represent the HEW.
And, by doing so, I will return what has been lost to the hardcore division for so long. Desire, passion, and respect. And, only then, will the Hardcore division be the driving, true division in the HEW. "
(( Zero wipes his forehead one last time, and then drops the towel into the box laying beside him. He gets up, walking towards the door. He looks down at the Hardcore title laying on the ground beside the door, but passes right by it, discarding it, and walks out of the locker room door.
The view focuses in on the Hardcore title laying on the floor for a moment, before the scene slowly . . . fades . . . to . . . black. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion