(( The scene faded into a dark room. The only faint hope of light was what there was shining under the door in the back of the room. All was quiet in the room, as a slight rustle was heard from the corner. A shoe bumped a steel chair. Then everything became quiet once again. Then, amidst the quiet and darkness, a voice began to speak. ))
" For near a month now, the HEW has became a place where the futile have became great, and where the talkers have talked themselves into a corner. The pride, the honor, and the traditions, have slowly slid away to mediocricy. The ones who were ran over such a short time ago, have climbed their way to the top, only to be graced with equals, only to their sad state of performance.
The mouths of some people have led to confrontations that are only equaled by the size of their ego's. Pride has became a dominant factor amongst the ability that was once top priority here in the HEW.
I have sat back, giving way to what I was told could put me out forever. I have watched from the outside looking in, at what has became of this fed known as the HEW. And, at who represents it in it's moment of "greatness".
I have seen some who have ran with their freedom of not having me around to provide a boundary for their actions. The Natural Born Killers have reached new heighths. Bobby Jackson, now the HEW World Champ. A feat that no one would have ever expected. A feat that would not have happened just six weeks ago.
And, Havoc, still the HEW Hardcore champ. It is ironic that he has been able to hold onto the title ever since . . . since then. "
(( Suddenly, a match was struck. Struck, to light a cigarette. At that moment, the face of the speaker became clear in the brief moment of light. The facial piercings, the spiked green hair . . . Zero was back!
He lit the cigarette, and lowered the match to the ground. As it was lowered, the reflection of a neckbrace shined. ))
" Yes, Havoc, it is me. The man you thought you had put out of the HEW, and the wrestling world in general, forever. Remember? Remember what happened? In our last . . . our most recent . . . match? "
(( Across the screen, images flashed across of the last match Zero had had in the HEW. The ladder match to unify the two Hardcore champions of the HEW. The match of the champions, where only one would probably be able to walk away.
Images were shown of Zero and Havoc fighting. Zero, tossing Havoc through a table. Havoc, returning the favor with a chair shot right across Zero head. Zero, slamming the ladder down onto Havoc. Slamming it, until the ladder had been bent so bad that it wouldn't even stand.
The images then shown Zero pounding the ladder, trying to get it to stand one last time. One last time, to reach the goal. The goal Zero had been wanting to acheive ever since his return from the murder framing . . . the original, broken, HEW Hardcore title; the only Hardcore title Zero had ever wanted to hold.
Zero had climbed the ladder, almost to the top. When Havoc started climbing the other side. The two fought at the top of the ladder, when, suddenly, Zero was thrown from the top of the ladder, landing chin first onto the mat, ten feet below.
Havoc had grabbed ahold of the Hardcore titles, and walked away the unified Hardcore champion. But Zero wouldn't be able to walk away. From the match, a fractured chin, a spinal injury, and a severe concussion had came down with Zero as he left the ladder.
This injury had kept Zero out of the HEW ever since that match . . . until now. ))
" Yes, I remember the match well, Havoc. I was within inches of regaining what was stolen from me months ago, only to have it snatched further from my grasps once again. And, in the process, snatching me further away from the action than what I would need to be able to provide retribution.
But, I have came to the conclusion now, that my life is worthless without being here. A spinal injury? It will heal some enough. A fractured jaw? Merely a small obstacle that will block my overall goals.
What is all comes down to is the fact that Zero is now back. And Havoc, let it be known, that what you do to people, will come back to haunt them. "
(( Suddenly, the chair is heard being knocked over. A lamp falls to it's side, giving off a faint glow of light. The light picked up on Zero as he turned and walked towards the door in the back.
From the appearance of the green hair, to the recognizable sleeve of tattoos running down his right arm, it was abundantly clear at that moment, that the hardcore in HEW had finally returned. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion