(( Silently . . . slowly . . . the screen faded to black. The announcers had said that they were going to commercial break, but instead, the view went dark. And then, slowly, a word began to fade in. Blurred at first, it slowly came into focus. Red letters . . . four red letters. As the word came into view, it became apparant what it said. " Zero " Then, suddenly, the name became fused with a green smoke, overtaking the word, and blurring the screen. At that moment, the feedback of "Infected" by Bad Religion started up.
As the music came into full blown power, images started flashing across the screen. Zero, atop a balcony, executing a moonsault onto a lifeless Stratusphere, in his first match. Then, an image of Zero, being whipped into the barbed wire ropes by Mr. Kool, in the infamous barbwire match for the HEW Hardcore Title. Still, after that, an image flashed across the screen from when Zero made his long awaited return to the HEW after being chased by the Berkeley police. Zero, sitting atop the Smooth-tron, watching the brawl taking place before him in the ring below. And then, in slow motion, the screen showed the event . . . HaVoC, throwing Zero from atop the ladder. Zero, landing straight on his chin. Zero, laying lifeless in the ring, as HaVoC captured and unified the HEW Hardcore titles. The view froze on Zero, laying in the ring, not being able to move. At that moment, the music playing in the background stopped, and with an echo, the image shattered from the screen into total darkness. ))
" It was thought that it ended that day. No longer would Zero be able to return to the ring from where he has made his existence. Or so it was thought . . . "
(( Slowly, the screen faded in. In, to a dark room, surrounded by construction equipment. At a longer glance, it was inside of a break room at a construction site. Late at night, when the workers had all retired to their homes and families.
With green hair and a black AFI t-shirt, Zero was sitting at a table, his arms stretched out, and his head buried down in thinking to himself. He slowly raised his head up, staring casually and almost mindlessly at the generic features adorning the walls. Then, slowly, he brought his head face around straight, giving off a glazed expression as he began to speak again. ))
" But, does it start there? Was the moment when you seemingly "beat" me begin the feud? HaVoC? No. No, call it more of an interlude where the tides of power shift their weight, awaiting the climax.
No, it goes back further. Much further, to almost the moment that both of us set foot inside of the HEW. There was something there that we both knew would have to be resolved sooner or later. "
(( An image flashed across the screen of when HaVoC had his first match against Zero. Even, before the match. Havoc was making his way to the arena, but was stopped at the doors by the security. He wasn't to be allowed to come in that night for his long awaited title shot against the Hardcore champion, Zero.
But Havoc had been determined . . . even to the point of knocking the security out in order to make his way into the arena. He was eager to finally receive his shot. ))
" Your first test, Havoc. Do you simply think that they were doing their ordinary job? No, they were told not to let you in. They had an order, "from a higher source", and they tried to fulfill their commitment. But, they failed. And, in doing so, showed that you were determined. And, in essence, starting your desention to where you are today. "
(( At that moment, clips from the first time Zero and Havoc faced each other were shown. It had been a struggle, a fight to see who would walk away with the title. Who would be Hardcore Champion?
But, at the end of the match, it was Iceman who had interfered, slamming a coffee pot right into Havoc's head, allowing Zero to get the win. ))
" The first time we would square off. And, defeat was handed to you quite easily. With or without the unknown assistance of Iceman, you were beat, Havoc. It wasn't a question of if, it was a question of how. "
(( Then, clips were shown from Zero's tape addressing J-Smooth and the entire HEW.
" . . . but I have been framed. The Berkeley Police Department has issued a warrant out for my arrest, linking me to a triple murder from three years ago. I am innocent, but no known in the courts would believe me. I know they wouldn't. And, I am unable to continue competing in the HEW at the present moment, simply for the fact that I can not have my where-abouts known to the police.
Therefore, I am having to vacate the HEW Hardcore title, and give it back to the front office. But, I will return for this belt, the belt that I have pieced back together by my own hands. It is, was, and will again, be mine.))
Tell Karen what has happened. I have not been able to reach other, and it hurts me to have to do this to her. Please take care of her while I am away. For, I will be back. "
" Those days, weeks, and months, were the hardest amount of times that I have had to endure. No one has ever been told what has went on with me during that time, nor will anyone ever know. It it almost too much for one person, and would overwhelm another.
But, after I was finally caught, the court found me innocent. I still do not know what happened to sway their opinion of me, for I was told that I was quilty before ever standing foot inside the court room.
Which, after that, was my return to the HEW . . . "
(( Zero slowly reached down into his pocket, retreiving a pack of cigarettes and his lighter. Pulling one of the cigarettes out, he lit it, taking a large first drag. He then laid the pack and lighter on the table in front of him, and began to read the plaques along the walls. Plaques that talked about the acheivements and accomplishments of the workers who worked or had worked for this construction firm. ))
" When I made my return to the HEW, I was told that I had been inducted into the HEW Hall of Fame. Me, alongside the legends of the fed who have since went on into retirement. But, you see, I had never retired. I was the first person to be inducted into the Hall of Fame who was still an active member. Or, at least, on hiatus because of uncontrollable circumstances outside of the ring.
And, with my return, brought many motions for me to side with people. Many people didn't want to have me as their enemy, simple for the fact of reputation alone. But, there was one certain individual inparticular who stood out. The man who had had a taste of my matches. And the man who would later on become the most low human on the face of this earth. . . . HaVoC.
He had a plan . . . a plan that would revolutionize the HEW. . . Terror Inc. And, I would be a charter member. An invitation was given to me, by Havoc himself. He wanted to put all of the past behind us, and form a union. He was all for it, and I played my plan to perfection.
Havoc welcomed me into the union, but I never wanted to be there. It was a setup directed at Havoc, and Havoc alone. He never knew it, and still wouldn't, until this day that I am saying this. When I was in his presence, I knew what his goals were, and where he was heading. And I knew what the future laid in front of me. Soon, Havoc would have to face me again. And, it would be time for Havoc to make his long awaited departure from the HEW. "
(( Clips were shown from the Warehouse match which had the Elite vs. Terror Inc. Kevin Powers was unveiled as Blade's mystery partner. And from there, the battle ensued between the two powers of the HEW. All, except for one individual . . . Zero. He went to the corner, lit a cigarette, and watched the battle take place before his eyes. Watched, as his fellow members fought against the Elite.
Then, Havoc sees Zero sitting, not partaking in the fight. He goes to get Zero up, but Zero pushes Havoc away, and then, turns on Havoc. Zero walks away from the fight, allowing the Elite to take the victory from Terror Inc. ))
" It started that day, Havoc. Or, should I say, that was the day that everything picked up from where it left off. Only, I was in control. I was calling the shots at that moment. But, soon, things would blow up in my face. "
(( Clips run down from when Terror Inc. took control over the HEW. That gave Havoc the role of commisioner, and total control over the booking procedures of the fed, and, it turn, finally gave him his chance to give retribution for all of the times that he could never defeat Zero, whether it be physically or mentally.
Clips were shown of Havoc addressing Zero's skipping of house shows, and Zero's disregard to follow the rules laid out by Havoc. In return, Havoc pushed Zero harder. He started making Zero do matches that were untypial of Zero. Forcing Zero to wrestle matches against people just in hopes that they would put Zero out. Something that Havoc could never do. ))
" Havoc, you tried to push me. You tried to proove that you were the most superior of the two . . . yet, you were trying to accomplish this by the power of a pencil. A weapon that I could not combat, unless I simply disregarded your commands. And, I thought I was the victor. "
(( A clip was shown of Havoc's statements of Zero inside the ring. Havoc stood there, calling Zero out. Zero came out, and an inpromptu match soon followed. Images were shown of Havoc throwing Zero upside down into a table propped against the railing. Then, of Zero slamming a chair into Havoc's bad neck.
The fight raged on. The two entered the ring, and Zero had Havoc down for the pin, when suddenly, Karen, the girl Zero had loved more than life itself, returned. She came down to the ring, and told Zero " Everything's OK. "
Karen, the girl Zero had had to leave when he was evading the police, had returned again for him. Zero turned to pin Havoc, when Havoc nailed him with a chair. Zero went down, and Karen entered the ring holding a chair. She looked at Havoc, and then proceded to hit Zero with the chair, despite all of the surprised gasps in the crowd.
The two fought, and it had to be ended with security pulling them apart. But, nothing could stop what had been heated up 20 times over. ))
" That was the lowest point of my life. Lower than any childhood affliction that had came my way. Because, it wasn't about pride. It wasn't about who was the best in the ring. It wasn't about who had the most merchandise sold, or who was voted #1 by the fans. No, at that moment, it came down to the fact that Havoc now had the one woman that I cared about more than life itself. He had stolen her.
When I had returned from the evading, I had tried to get in touch with her. But, the telephone line had been disconnected. I went to the apartment where we used to live, the one on the nicer side of Berkeley, because I didn't want her to have any less. But, she was gone. I couldn't find her. It hurt. It hurt more than any beating I had taken growing up. It hurt more than any barbwire that had been wrapped around my body. It hurt more, because it was a wound which could not be physically repaired.
And, when she had first came out to the ring, it was like a surgean had supernaturally repaired any damage that had been caused the weeks and months before. And, when she hit me with that chair, it caused more damage than any non-returned phone calls could ever do. It truly put me down, and mentally unprepared for life after that. "
(( Clips were shown from Zero and Havoc's constant battles with words. And, Karen's accuations towards Zero's life, and how he turned on her, and left her to survive. She said that was when Havoc had stepped in. He had provided that person to fall back on, and comfort her in the moments where Zero had looked as if he didn't care. That was why she had the phone line disconnected, and that was why the apartment was empty and void.
The two exchanged many battles in words, before finally meeting in the ring at the PPV, Terrorized '99. It was a battle for the vacated Hardcore title left over from Daredevil's reign. ))
" I thought that that match would end it. You had never been able to beat me, and I had been unbeatable to you. I knew the match wouldn't settle what was going on between Karen and I, but I thought that this would be the end of our matches. "
(( The clips showed the ending to the match. Zero applied the Level Zero onto Havoc. Havoc was out cold. Zero went for the pin, when suddenly, Stalker, from the SCW, attacked Zero, leaving him lifeless. Stalker rolled Havoc onto Zero, and the count was made. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. Havoc was the new HEW Hardcore Champion. He had defeated Zero. But, he had still never been able to defeat Zero cleanly in a match. ))
" You had won that match simply because that no name, the man who had challenged me to an out of fed best of three before I was framed, Stalker, interfered. I don't care if he is from the SCW, the sister fed to the HEW. He had no right in that match. His interference did nothing to resolve what was happening between you and I, Havoc. In turn, it only dragged it out further. "
(( Clpis were shown of the rematch. Zero vs. Havoc, for the HEW Hardcore Championship. The match went everywhere, destroying pieces of tables, indenting chairs, and demolishing setups. It was then that Blade and Gettis entered the match, beating up on Zero. Blade, a man who Zero had thought he could trust, had been taken up in Havoc's promises. He had turned his back on Zero as well, now.
And then, from the back, Jackson came to the ring, but instantly started attacking Gettis. And, Blade turned on Gettis, as well, as the two focused their attention of destroying Michael Gettis. Havoc had his back turned to Zero, though, and it was then that Zero grabbed Havoc, and put the Level Zero on him. The ref made the count 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. And Zero was the new HEW Hardcore Champion.
Blade and Jackson hadn't realized what had happened until it was over. They saw Zero on the ground, holding the title, and instantly started attacking him. They beat him with pieces of tables, and fragments of chairs. And then, as they left, Havoc grabbed the HEW Hardcore Title, and took it with him. The title that Zero had just won from him. ))
" At that moment, and the moments after, Karen wasn't the focal point of our feud anymore. I think it was then that I realized that I wouldn't be able to bring her back to me. She was yours Havoc. It wasn't that I had given up on her. It was simply that I did not want her any longer.
And, the same could be said about that title that you carried over your shoulder so proudly. It was a piece of carved metal that meant nothing. You thought that that was what I wanted. The truth is, what was it that I hated you so much for now? I believe it was simply the fact that you thought you could run me, and do as you please, without any pay back from me because I didn't have the allies that you did.
But, about the belt that you carried over your shoulder, it was yours. I didn't want it. What I wanted was the thing I had had to leave behind. The original HEW Hardcore title. The one that Stalker had ran over many months ago when Iceman and I had been fighting outside beside the road. It was the belt that I had pieced back together, and taped the broken straps back up. It was what the HEW Hardcore Title should represent.
Unfortunately, when Daredevil had won the title while I was evading the police, he changed the titles. He got himself a newer, nicer looking title. One that didn't look like a piece of junk that I loved so much.
So, Havoc, your mind game then didn't work. But, I still had to find the original title. It was a goal. "
(( Clips were shown of the next matchup between Zero and Havoc. It was a higher impact and bloodier match than before. The two fought through out the ring side area, in the aisles, in the rings, and in the crowd.
It was only when Jackson came down to the ring, holding a title over his shoulder, did things begin to change. Behind him, was Kid Violence, the man who had been gone for many months, but the man who had introduced Zero into the HEW to begin with.
Zero and Havoc were fighting inside the ring, when Kid Violence and Jackson stood on both sides of the ring. They raised chairs up, and threw them into the ring. Both Havoc and Zero caught one, and spun around, connecting with chair shots to each other's faces at the exact same time. They both fell, and had an arm atop each other. It was a double pin. The ref had no choice but to count the three 1 . . . 2 . . . 3. And, for the first time ever, two men were crowned the HEW Hardcore Champion.
But, it didn't stop then. Jackson and Kid Violence climbed into the ring. Jackson took the title from off of his shoulder. It was the original Hardcore title. The one that Zero had carried for so long before he had to vacate it. Somehow, Jackson had got it, and had brought it to the ring.
He took it, and tossed it to the mat. Then, grabbing a chair, began to beat down on Zero. Chair shot after chair shot. He looked at Kid Violence, and then handed him the chair. Kid Violence preceded to do the unthinkable. He began to beat on Zero as well. Then Havoc joined in, and they left Zero laying a pool of his own blood in the ring.
As the three began to walk out of the ring, Havoc picked up the original Hardcore title from off the mat. He took the newer title, and flipped it over to where Zero laid. He then strapped the old Hardcore title around his waist, and walked out of the ring with his comrades. ))
" That was the beginning of end. "
(( Zero slowly stood up from his seat at the table, and began to make his way to teh outside. He opened the door, and took in a gush of cool night air as it hit him in the face. He took a deep breath, then remembered his cigarettes, and retreived them from the table before making his way outside.
He pulled one from the pack, put it in his mouth, and lit it, taking a rather deep drag. Exhaling, he put one hand in his pockets, and began to walk slowly around the construction area. ))
" You thought then that you had me, Havoc. For sure, now I was at my weakest. Or so you thought. For, after that happened, I grew stronger. No longer was I going to receive it. Sure, I had a Hardcore title. But I didn't have THE Hardcore title. You had it. You might have became a Hardcore champion as did I. But, you didn't deserve the belt that you carried.
It seemed fit that a unification match would be in order now. You can't have two champions. There can be only one. And so, one last match was booked between you and I. A match to end it all. A match to see who the Hardcore champion was. A ladder match between you and I. The two belts mounted high above the ring. The winner chooses which belt to keep, and the other would be discarded.
It was truly a match to end it. "
(( Clips from the infamous ladder match were shown. A raging match. The two fought as best as they could, while the Hardcore titles sat temptingly above the ring.
The ladder came into play. Havoc seized it, but Zero was quick to take it. Zero smashed it against Havoc numerous times. So many times, in fact, that the ladder became to dented it wouldn't stand.
While Havoc laid on the mat, Zero hit the ladder, trying to mold it back to where it would at least stand for a few moments. A few moments, at least, so that he could reclaim the Hardcore title. THE Hardcore title.
Zero began to climb the ladder. But, suddenly, Havoc regained some strength, and began climbing, too. The two climbed both sides of the ladder, fighting all the way up. They were at the top of the ladder, exchanging blows. When, suddenly, Zero was knocked off. He fell from the ladder, eight feet to the mat. His chin hit first, and took all the pressure of his falling body. When his stomach, knees, and feet landed, he fell limp in the ring. Limp, as Havoc finished climbing the ladder, and grabbed the Hardcore titles, becoming the one and only unified Hardcore champion.
But, at that moment, Zero could of possibly not be able to ever challenge a rematch again. He lay motionless in the ring, as Havoc gloated over his win. ))
" Havoc, you won the match. It was the closest you have ever came to beating me cleanly. And, in fact, could of been the only chance that you would of ever got to face me again.
I was able to regain myself, and walk back to the back. But, for a week, I had terrible pains throughout my whole body, and strenuous headaches. I couldn't tolerate it. I had to go to the doctor. I had to go to the Berkeley Medical Institute.
The doctor, Doctor Paul Brisbone, told me that I had a severe concussion, a fractured jaw, and a damaged spine. I read his letter. I could read past what he was trying to say. He was trying to say that I would never be able to wrestle again. But, you know what. I don't care. I had nothing before I came to the HEW, and, I still have nothing even after over 7 months of being here. At least, I have nothing to show for myself.
But, I do have the memories. I have the memories of being turned on, defeated, spitten on, and disregarded. And, I can't live with those memories. If I die trying to retribute my past, the so be it. "
(( Zero slowly walked around the area, until he came upon a ladder sitting beside a stack of lumber. Zero leaned against the ladder, and took a deep drag from his cigarette. ))
" What the future holds for me I cannot be certain. But, what I do know for my present, is that RETRIBUTION WILL BE SERVED. "
(( Suddenly, the crunch of "Infected" kicked in, as Zero turned away, and began to walk deep into the night. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion