(( Berkeley, California. The view faded into darkness . . . with a slight reflection from the above moon. Brick walls and overturned garbage cans reflected off of the minimal light availible. Distant crashes and screaming were heard off in the distance. Up closer, the sound of night life running through out the wall'c cracks and holes could be heard. It was no question . . . despite minimal light, it was apparant; this was the alley on Gilman Street.
The car lights at the front of the alley were cut off by the two dumpsters that rested at the gate of the alley. The pedestrians who passed by quickened their steps just slighty upon passing. No one would ever enter into the alley. Not ever since, the tragic deaths of the three adults who were murdered inside of the very alley. It had been just three years ago.
No one would enter the alley, except for the one man who called it his real home . . . Zero. The man who had been accused of the murders just because of the fact that he had spent so much time inside of the alley. But, contrary to belief, he had a different reason for spending so much down time inside of the alley.
Inside of the alley, no one ever came in. There were no hectics, no idle wanderers. No one. No one that would bug Zero, no one that could reach him. Inside of the alley, Zero was alone . . . a state that he had learned to deal with growing up, and a feature of life that he adjusted to, and learned to enjoy while growing up.
When he was alone, there was no one who could tell him what to do. There was no one asking questions. It was only himself, and his own personal questions that were asked. Questions to ponder. And reasons to throw back. When something came up in his life that he had to find an answer and solution for, it was the alley on Gilman Street where he would always turn to . . . which was just what he was doing . . . ))
" The ant. A fact of nature. There is no stopping an ant. You can kill one, and yet, another one comes back to take it's place. It is a simple act of transferring souls from one to the next in order to keep the chain of life continuing.
" If you disregard the ant, it will strike. It will not detect the neutrality of the human in regards that it means no harm. It simply assumes that all humans are evil, and therefore, must be done away with. It knows no better. It is genetics that will always be with it, until the entire species of ants simply ceases to excist.
" Therefore, the human must be the first to strike. It is a never ending battle, but yet, a battle that the humans always have the upper hand in. They are larger, they have a greater array of weapons and tactics to use against the ant. In all knowledge, the humans, if united, could do away with the ants simple because of sheer size magnitude that the humans possess.
" Or could they. They ants are smaller, but, an insect at heart. They do not die. They simply stay around, and provide the needs needed to be a pest to the human civilization.
" In some areas, aren't humans similar to the ant? Humans never truly die. The civilization as a whole has been here since the beginning of time. No matter what actions were taken against them, they stayed. They rebounded. It was not because of a talent that the humans had. It was simply that they did not know when to quit; when to go away.
" People like that are still evident in today's times. No matter where you look, you will see the characteristics. Movie stars who can no longer fulfill the requirements needed for the roles, stay around, not knowing when to leave. Musicians, two steps away from their wheelchairs, no not know when it has been too long since they have been on stage in front of thousands. These people are all blind to the simple fact: their time has come and gone, and it is time for them to be happy wherever they settle in at. It is not time for them to go back where they started, and try to recreate who they once were.
" It is not just the entertainment business who have these people, though. It can be simple construction jobs, or a taxi job. And even, a job as a professional wrestler.
" Most do not know when their time has come and gone. They do not realize that what they thought worked long ago will not work today. They do not realize, that maybe people are tired of them. On the flipside, they try to pick up where they had left off long ago, and employ any tactic possible in order to get them to the top. But, are they wanted? No.
" The Iceman is who I think of when I begin to talk of the humans who are our version of "nature's pest". He has been gone for months, thinking that I put him out of wrestling when, in fact, he continued to wrestle in the HEW even after I had to leave and escape the police.
" Now he's back seeking justice for what I done to him? A perfect example has been already laid out. He simply left, and now that no one cares for him, he's back. He does not know when it is time for him to call it quits, and move on. He is living in a past that has went by him before he even knew what happened. "
(( Zero moved from his seated position against the broken crates. He reached down onto his arm, and pulled an ant off of him who had been crawling up his arm, intent on biting him soon. Zero raised up his hand, with the ant struggling to return to where it was. With a flick, Zero tossed the ant off to the side. ))
" Just like the ant who does not know when he has been defeated, it tries to return once again to where it's mission was. It tries to act as if nothing had happened. But the fact was, it's intentions were already known. It was setting out to cause havoc in it's own way.
" This is much like the Iceman. He returned to the HEW, and has tried to cause havoc in his own distorted way. Not knowing that his time had come and gone a long time ago, he set out to attack me Tuesday. Call it bitterness. He can call it payback, but it all boils down to the fact that he thinks that will be his only way to beat me . . . something he has never even been able to do.
" That was his past. A past that he should have accepted. Not try and revitalize it by making up some unbelievable story about how he has a mission against me, and how he will destroy me.
" Soon, he will be forced to accept his position at the retirement home. A place where he should of learned to enjoy. For, here in the HEW, his presence was never welcomed, and in fact, was greatly rejoiced when he made his departure.
" Now that he has made his "great comeback", hellbent on destroying me, it only issues a groan from everyone watching. Especially from myself, the man who he wants.
" If he wants to go down once again by the Level Zero, as he has every other time in the past, his chance will come. For, before something is destroyed, it is always told that history repeats itself once again. "
(( With that, Zero came to the top of his inner discussion. He felt he had it worked out. The solution was evident . . . it would be the problem solver that had always been used every time before. And, it would do the job yet once again.
Zero raised himself up, and reached into his pocket. Pulling out a cigarette and lighter, he lit it, and inhaled a quick amount of smoke to get the cigarette going. Then, turning towards the clouded front of the alley, he put a hand in his pocket, and began a slow walk back to his apartment. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion