(( Tick.....Tick.....Tick.....Tick....The sound of a clock echoes through a dimly lit apartment room, 3 stories above the streets below. A single night stand lays on it's side in the corner of the room. What is distinguishable by the lack of light isn't impressive. Blank walls are the standard for this room. A hole in one wall is partially visible in the light, showing parts of a bathroom on the other side of the hole. A recliner is set in one corner. It has seen it's better days years ago. One side of it has collapsed to the floor. In the center of the room is a small video recorder.
Outside the apartment, a hit and run has just happened down on the street below. A young man is down on the ground, trying to help out his fallen friend. Screaching tires can be heard in the distance. Around the scene of the hit and run, 3 guys are getting into a car, obviously going to catch this man that performed the hit and run. The rest of the street life is in chaos, no one knowing what to do. One person is seen at a pay phone, perhaps to call 911.
Up above, looking out of a broken window, is Zero. He is observing what is happening below. How an unknown motive can quickly change a person's thought process. He is watching how these people handle a crisis. After seeing the panic of so many people, he turns from the window, and walks over to the video recorder. He has to tripod for it, so it is kind of leaning to one side. He disregards this, and activates the record button. He then walks back against the wall, and sits down so that he will be visible on the screen. ))
Zero: "A hit and run. The epitomy of human life. Someone acts suddenly with disregard for consequences. He flees the scene, only to leave his victim fallen behind him. Everyone from the scene is filled with questions. Motives are questioned. Reasons are asked. Logic is disregarded. And everyone wants to know why."
(( Zero shifts, reaches into a pocket, and retrieves a cigarette. Lighting it, he listens to the sounds coming from the window. Crying is heard. A siren is heard from off in the distance. From the sounds, it still seems chaotic on the street. ))
Zero: "People are always second guessing what is happening. They want to know what the real reason why someone committed something. They want to know the details of why something happened. They are not content on just accepting the given facts. I'm sure that when the culprit of the hit and run is caught, he will be questioned on merely why he did it. It seems motives and reasons are like a sentance. They can bring you up, or drag you down.
On the same token, questions about motives come up in every field. They are not used as a way to convict a person, but at the same time, sometimes the person feels like he is on trial. I will use the hit and run as an example....
I, like the driver, performed a hit. But unlike him, I didn't run. I attacked a stable I was in, Terror Inc. I came on, then hit. Call it suicide on my part. But, the difference from that driver and me is, is that I didn't run. I have stood my ground. And of course, the after effects have been followed with questions, much like the questioning that is going on down below. People want to know why. Again, it is as if I am on trial for my motives, where a simple answer can bring me down.
But, I thought I had let the questioning come to a stop. It is over now, and everyone has moved on. But the questions still bombard me. It is as if I had committed a crime, and people want to know so much that they'll accept lies only to know more. The thing people want to know about is....did I leave Terror for Elite? It seems like an honest question. Evidence would lead one to believe that. But what about the motives? Did that driver have a motive before he ran over the person who now lays in the street? Again, more questions. And again, more unanswered replies."
(( Zero takes a last drag from his cigarette, and flicks the burning filter across the dim room, and out of the window. He then returns his focus back onto the small camera laying on the floor. ))
Zero: "It seems people look at me and and my match Tuesday, which I will be teaming with Blade, as the proof they need that Zero is now Elite. And, of course, for people who can only see for their immediate future, all evidence points that I am now in the strong grounds of Elite. But, evidence can be skewed at times, making the object of focus unclear to come to a certain conclusion.
You see, Lucky and Bryson, you will step into the ring as two men who have no idea what surrounds them. There are many questions that will be left unanswered come tomorrow night. So many possibilities that could happen. Have you even pondered what all could happen? Are you ready to face an immediate crisis, like the people on the street, who suddenly had a fallen friend? Are you prepared for what could happen? Hearing you two speak leave doubts in my mind. Questions that need no answer, because I can tell the uncertainity in your voices that you two are afraid. But, let me leave you with this. Will I have reinforcements? Do I have people behind me that will come to my aid? Could those people be the Elite? Nothing's for certain, but then again, no one ever expects a crisis, either. Be ready for what you least expect.......the car involved in your own hit and run could be right around the corner."
(( Zero gets up from where he is sitting, and goes over and turns the video recorder off. He retrieved the tape from it, and puts it in his back pocket. He takes one last look out of the window, to see the man who was hit now on a stretcher with life support being given to him. Zero glances at the panic on everyone's faces, and then walks to the door. He grabs the plus for the lamp, and pulls it out of the wall. In the darkness, the door slams shut. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion