(( The scene faded into a newsreport. The team was setup on a street in Berkeley, California. The sun was up, but cold winds were passing through. Overall, though, a nice day in Berkeley. People passed by, staring at the camera setup and the man holding a microphone.
Quckly, the scene flashed to a woman standing in front of the camera. A rather young woman, maybe 26. She had a purse over her shoulder as it appeared she had been stopped as she was walking down the curb. A microphone was held up for her to speak into, as the question was asked . . . ))
" Thank you for taking the time. I am Dotcom, reporter and announcer for Hardcore Extreme Wrestling. I was wondering your thoughts on the alley located on Gilman Street. "
(( The woman's face went blank for a moment, as if Dotcom had said something that was never to be spoken. Slowly, she replied into the microphone. ))
" I . . . I . . . uh . . . a murder, one that really shook Berkeley, happened there a few years back. The killer was supposed to of been caught, even though the police had to track him across the country. I heard he was found innocent. But, I never go past the alley. There's a funny feeling to it when you pass by it. "
(( The woman started to walk off, as Dotcom thanked her for her time . . . ))
" Thank you for your time, ma'am. "
(( The scene flashed to another person, standing in front of the camera. He was a little younger, probably around 19 or so. He had a leather jacket on and sported bright green hair. The question was asked to him. He replied . . . ))
" Man, I don't care what the police said a while back, they never found out who killed those people in the alley. Lint was a free man, he never done anything to anyone. I don't know who stepped up with the confession, but it's a good thing, because it would be just another time that this stupid country has screwed the punks over. "
(( Next up was a young boy, MAYBE 15 years old. He looked a little awed by being in front of the camera.
The question was asked to him . . . ))
" I like SCW! "
(( The boy ran off laughing. Dotcom shook his head at the camera man in disgust, and went out to look for another person to ask the question to.
Scene flashed ahead to another person, this time, an older looking woman, her kids tugging at her to hurry. She fumbled with her glasses, but managed to compose herself as Dotcom asked the question. ))
Older Woman:
" That alley is just another problem in today's world. The devil has came in, and filled everything with sin. That whole Gilman Street is nothing but a sinner's paradise now. If I had my way, I'd pave the apartments and that horriffic alley over there, and build a church and sanctuary for the kids, so they won't have to resort to being caught up in the devil's ways, by being on these demonic skateboards and running around with tattoos and piercings. It's just terrible I tell you. Why, did you know . . . "
(( The woman was just about to start up a long speech. Dotcom realized that, and thanked her, but told her that was enough. After that, Dotcom set out to find yet more people to interview regarding this alley.
Dotcom had to find out some info on the alley. Not much was known of it. No one would ever enter it under their own will. Usually, at least.
Two nights before, his reporting colleague, Lecompte, had came out to Berkeley to find out some information on what was going on with Zero. What had happened, though, was that, Lecompte wound up interviewing Matt Lee, Zero's neighbor, for a short time. Discussions had led to one thing after another, and soon, Lecompte put pieces together and figured that Matt was covering something for Zero. Lecompte assumed Zero would be in the infamous alley, and had went into it to look.
The only thing was, only a fire buring in a metal garbage can was in the alley. Lecompte had went down into it, something that the Berkeley residents refuse to do, in order to find Zero. But, Zero had already left it, and not even Matt knew where was.
The new questions surrounding just what there was to this alley had aroused some suspicsions in the HEW staff. Enough for, them to send a special team to cover on what the Berkeley residents felt about it.
There was some kind of connection to that alley, the murders that had happened in it, and why Zero was always in the alley. And, by maybe finding out why is was feared so much in Berkeley, HEW thought that would be a step in the right direction towards finding out the whole truth behind the whole alley story.
And so, Dotcom went out further, questioning others on the streets, in attempts to get a good understanding of the alley. Searching, as the scene slowly faded to black. ))
(( The scene faded back onto Gilman Street. The sun had went down, but the stars were shining bright above. The winds, as of late, were picking up, blowing cold gushes onto the few people who were on the street.
At the Gilman apartments, in room #7, Matt Lee paced back and forth in his apartment. Lecompte had shook him pretty bad. And still, neither of them had found Zero. Where could Zero be? Matt had no idea. But . . . there was something he DEFINATELY needed to tell him. Just, when would he see him again?
Matt wasn't sure. But he had to find Zero somehow. Maybe . . . just maybe . . . Zero had returned back to the alley. Maybe then, Matt could tell Zero the news . . .
It was worth a shot. Matt walked across the living room, and grabbed his shoes and jacket. Quickly zipping the jacket up, he grabbed a beanie, and pulled it down over his hair, and walked to the door. He was just about to walk out the door, when he remembered something. He walked out of the living room . . . and returned shortly after, just finishing putting something in his pocket.
He opened the door, greated by the cold wind. Squinting his eyes, he closed the door, and began walking out of his apartment, and onto the street curb.
He didn't walk very far, though, when he heard a loud crash from the balcony above his apartment. Zero's apartment is right above Matt's. Matt knew this, and decided to hold off on going into the alley . . . for just a minute. What if Zero was back in his apartment? It was worth a shot.
Matt walked to the stairs leading up to the balcony, and started walking up. While walking, he heard another crash. Yes, it was definately coming from Zero's apartment. But, was it Zero in the apartment? Could it be another rumored burglar? Could it be more HEW people, digging through to find out what was going on with Zero? Matt wasn't sure, but he was hoping it WAS Zero. If it was, then maybe he could finally tell him what he'd been trying to hide from everyone else.
Slowly, Matt got up to the top of the stairs. He was facing a wide open door of apartment #13 . . . Zero's apartment. Slowly, Matt started walking inside. He was cautious, but anxious at the same time.
The first thing that hit him was the strong smell of cigarett smoke inside of the apartment. Fresh smoke . . . with a steady supply of it still coming. Matt looked down on the floor. There laid an ash-tray, with a smoked cigarette, still buring down into the filter. That was a clue . . . it might be Zero.
Matt walked from the living room, into the kitchen. The broken dishes that were scattered across the floor had been picked up, and were now laying in the trash beside the table. The chairs had all been picked up, and pushed back under the table. Definately, someone was trying to straighten the place up.
Suddenly, a large crash came from down the hall, in the room on the right. Matt looked down the hall. The hall lights were off, but a single small light was on in the room. Someone was in there. Matt slowly, with small steps, started walking from the kitchen, into the hall. He got closer to the room.
Inside the room, Matt looked around. There was a large stack of ripped mattresses. But Matt couldn't see anyone in the room. Whoever was in here, had to be behind the mattresses.
Slowly, Matt walked around a fallen table, and carefully edged his way around a broken lamp. He was coming around the mattresses.
As he came around them, someone else came around them, too. They walked right into each other. Matt didn't see who it was, as the room was still fairly dark. That, and he was still being cautious with who was in the room.
The person he had walked into had been just as surprised. The initial eye contact never met. Slowly, the two stepped back from each other.
Matt would be hard to recognize . . . his face at least. All you could see was the lower part. The beanie was pulled down tightly over his head and ears. The hooded jacket covered up his neck, as well.
The person in front of him was dressed similar, but easily recognizable once his face came into view. He had a hooded Nitro Records sweatshirt on. The hood was pulled over his head, but, you could still see the lip ring, the eyebrow ring, from beneath the shadow cast by the hood.
Slowly, he pulled the hood down, showing his bleached, spiked hair. It was Zero. Matt had found him. Zero was the first to speak. ))
" Matt. What are you doing here? "
(( Matt stood still for a moment. He had finally found Zero. After weeks of having to hide it from the HEW, and after trying to cover for Zero, he had finally found him.
He quickly responded . . . ))
" Zero. Man, you don't know what's been going on since your apartment was destroyed. It's been crazy. The HEW has been around here everyday asking questions. They've been questioning me hard. As like, I know what you're thinking.
" Two nights ago, Lecompte even came out here, trying to get an interview with me. He was crazy. He was digging for something. I wasn't sure what to tell him. Somehow, he thought you were in the alley, and he took off looking for you. I followed him. But, when we got to the alley, all there was was a fire burning in the garbage can. "
(( Zero stood still for a moment. He leaned himself against the mattresses, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. Matt had a lot of questions to ask him, but how would Zero respond?
A lot had been happening inside of Zero's head. A lot more than even Zero could decipher. How would he be able to explain himself?
Slowly, he began to speak . . . ))
" So it was Lecompte? I knew it was someone form the HEW coming out here. I saw their car pass by, over the tracks at Christie Road. I knew something was up. And, I had a good idea what it was all about.
" They are wondering what is going on. They think they have me under their finger, but when I slip out on my own, they are quick to try and find out why I squirmed away. It has happened before . . . and no doubt, will happen again.
" The thing is, I have been trying to figure out what is going on in my life. I can't take some stuff sometimes, and it just hits me. My apartment . . . I did this. Last Tuesday night, right after I got home from my first match with Iceman. He beat me. I was so overloaded with inner thoughts, I wasn't even in the match. And after that happened, something just clicked inside of me. I just started . . . throwing things in here. It just . . . happened.
" But, after it happened, I knew the HEW would somehow find out, and come out here with some stupid investigation report. I couldn't sit around and let them ask me stupid questions. I didn't want to talk to them. They were the problem, as I have now figured out. All along . . . "
(( Zero ended himself there. Matt had a confused look on his face. ))
" What is it? I have been asked so many questions lately, it's crazy. I have no idea what is going through your head. That's why, tonight, I had started to go down to the alley, hoping you'd be there. That's when I heard something crash up here in your apartment. That's why I came up here instead. . . "
(( Zero's expression dropped. Yes, the reason he was up here. He hadn't said anything to Matt about it. He wasn't even sure if Matt would know what had happened to it. ))
" The reason, the only reason, I had came back to this apartment, was to get something that means a lot to me. Something that hurts, but still, is a very important part of my life.
" I came into this room. I knew this was the last place I had left it. I came here, beside the TV, to get it. But it was gone. The HEW took the tape . . . the video I recorded when I had to leave the HEW for a while when I was framed.
" I remember, watching from atop the dumpsters at the edge of the alley, during Dotcom's report, him holding up a tape. A video-cassette. Except, the tape had been shredded. I didn't want to belive that they had shredded the only copy of that tape in existence. I had to come back here and try to find it. But, now that I see it missing, I know that the HEW destroyed the tape. "
(( Matt looked at Zero. He looked at how his expression was. Mug, solemn, dim. That tape meant something to Zero. Matt knew it. Not only was it something that he treasured, but it was more than that. It was Zero's only link to back when life was working out for him. The only time, probably, that Zero had been somewhat happy.
And now, the HEW had destroyed the tape. For what reasons?
Or . . . had they?
A sly grin passed over Matt's lips. Zero saw it. Slowly, Matt put his hand in his jacket pocket. The jacket pocket where he had placed the object he had to go get in his house. And, out slowly, he pulled a videocassetee tape out.
Zero saw that, too. Zero looked down at the tape, and then at Matt, who by now, was grinning from ear to ear. ))
" Is that? "
" Yep. "
(( Slowly, Matt handed the tape to Zero. Zero grabbed it, looking down at it. His expression was still solumn and dark, but Matt could tell Zero was feeling a little different.
Zero slowly raised his head up, and looked at Matt. ))
" How'd you get this? How do you know this is actually the tape? "
(( The grin on Matt's face stayed just as big. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a cigarette. Lighting it, he pointed at the tape, and began explaining away. ))
" Oh, it's the tape. I was the one who brought it out of this room in the first place. "
(( Zero looked at Matt. ))
" See, I knew the HEW would be looking for that tape. They would take it. They would do whatever with it. So, after I had heard all the loud crashing in your apartment, I heard you walkingt down the stairs on the balcony. It was then that I saw you leaving, going to the alley. At that moment, I didn't plan on going and getting the tape.
" But, when I saw the HEW van pull up later, I knew what would happen. So, I shredded an old tape of mine. I made it look real bad, so they couldn't be able to fix it. Then, I carried it up to your apartment, and replaced the real tape with the shredded one. That was the one the HEW found. They thought it was the original tape.
" And when they started questioning me, I wasn't sure what to say. I knew what had happened. At least I thought I did. But, I didn't want to mess anything up for you. If you were going through something, I wanted to make sure that they stayed out of it.
" And now, though, I can return the tape to you. I think the HEW won't be coming back for a while. I know, and knew, what the tape really meant to you. "
(( Zero took the tape, and sat it down on the old black and white television behind him. He then turned back around to Matt. ))
" Thanks Matt. "
(( He hadn't said much, but Matt thought that Zero getting the tape back had done something for him. Maybe, that explained something of what had been troubling Zero lately.
Matt looked at Zero. His face still shown something there. Something that Zero still wasn't ready to talk about. What was it? What did it have to do with? Matt wasn't sure.
He knew he shouldn't push for it, though. Zero would say what it was . . . . . . . . when the time came. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion