(( The scene faded into a dimly lit room. A stack of ripped mattresses sat in the middle of the room. And, the sound of a softly humming television was heard, as Matt walked into the room. He stepped over the idly thrown items on the floor, and rounded the mattresses. Before him, sat Zero, watching the old black and white television set. His interest was dead set on the screen, and his attention didn't even waver when Matt approached him.
On the screen, clips of the PPV, Midnight Massacre, were flashing across the screen. Images of Zero's bloody match with Iceman. The tacks . . . the splinters. And then, clips of when Zero was attacked by members of Murder Inc., only to be helped out by Johnny Treacherous.
But, the clips that kept repeating themselves, were the ones of Havoc, as he slowly removed the mask, revealing himself as the special referee in the World Title match which saw "The Blade" Kendell Codine upset "Hardcore" Kevin Riggs for the HEW World Title. Zero seemed to be focusing on this clip . . . rewinding and viewing it again.
Slowly, Matt approached Zero. He was slow moving, making certain he didn't surprise Zero. Slowly, he spoke up . . . ))
" Zero? "
(( He wasn't surprised with Matt standing over his shoulder, as Zero slowly turned his attention from the television screen to Matt. Zero's eyes were casully dark, almost as they always were. His gaze was turned to Matt, but his attention wasn't totally focused, as the case usually was.
Slowly, Zero opened his mouth to reply to him . . . ))
" Yeah? "
(( Matt had came back over to Zero's apartment to find out what the story was that had been eating away at Zero. The last time Matt had talked to him, Zero told him some of it, but Matt knew there was more. And, that curiosity had been eating away at Matt for days.
He had decided to come over, maybe talk about the PPV last night, and try to figure out what it was exactly that Zero was eluding to. What was it about respect?
Matt decided to start off slowly, and discuss the PPV with Zero. ))
" Oh, nothing much, really. Just thought I'd stop by on my way out to go skateboarding.
" So, what was up with Treacherous? Oh, and Havoc's back now, it seems. Oh yeah, good match you had with Iceman. "
(( Zero turned his attention back to the television screen. It was playing the clips of when Treacherous had extended his hand to Zero, only to have Zero turn his back on Treacherous and leave the ring.
Slowly, Zero began to answer Matt. ))
" You know, with Treacherous, I'm not real sure. I see how his guys came out to the ring, and started talking about me in Murder Inc., and made references to what had happened in the alley . . . . "
(( As Zero was talking, Matt looked over to the television set. He saw the tape, the tape Matt himself had given back to Zero. The tape in which Zero had told of the incident in the Gilman alley three years ago. Matt guessed that had to be the worst skeleton anyone had ever had in their closet.
Quickly, Matt turned his attention back to Zero. ))
" But their goals are different than mine. They are proud to call themselves killers. I, though, am trying to convince the world that I was framed. I never want to be associated with the title of a "killer". And, I can only assume that they didn't like the idea of me not wanting to be a part of them.
" But, with Treacherous coming out and seperating Rave and Disillusion, it brings ideas to my head. Ideas, and assumptions. And, one can only assume, that he is biding his time. Biding his time, until I become a follower of Murder Inc. A brain washed zombie.
" But, there was no need for him to come out. I had the situation under control. And with him imposing himself into things that do not concern him -- what his 'friends' do should not concern him. He should only concern himself with people who are a thorn in his own side. People like Daredevil, who he was barely able to defeat. He has no right concerning himself with matters that contain to me. "
(( Matt looked at Zero. Zero attention was back focused on the television set. The clip of Treacherous, his hand extended to Zero, was showing.
Slowly, the question that Matt was wondering tremendously over, was about to be asked. Should he just come on out and say it? What was Zero thinking about it? Matt knew Zero had been, and still was, thinking about it. Slowly, Matt asked . . . ))
" So, Havoc's back now. At least, he showed his face at the PPV last night. I was watching it in my apartment, and couldn't believe it when I saw it. I bet you were furious over that, huh? "
(( Slowly, Zero fast forwarded the tape to the part where Havoc took off his mask and showed the world that it was he who was the special referee.
Zero paused the tape, just as Havoc rolled out of the ring with a grin on his face. ))
" Actually, I wasn't even in the arena. After my match with Iceman, I left. I couldn't stay in the arena. There was too much . . . 'confusion' . . . in my head for me to stay around there. So, I didn't even realize that Havoc had came back until today as I watched the tape of it.
" I'm at split thoughts right now about it. I know he's not healthy. His neck was bent pretty badly a month ago when I applied the Level Zero on him through a table. I know he cannot come back as quickly as he has, without still being injured. I was lucky enough to have healed quicker than doctors had expected. But, I know he isn't up to speed right now.
" But, what I am going over in my head right now, is what his goals are. He seems to have his hands full with Natural Born Killers. I wonder if he was informed of the many additions on their roster while he was away.
" Havoc and I's paths haven't crossed . . . yet . . . again. But, he had better not forget who gave him that neck problem to begin with. "
(( Matt leaned against the mattresses, listening to what Zero had to say. But, Matt realized he couldn't wait. What was it that was really bugging Zero? Matt had to know. ))
" Zero, I was just wondering. Last time I talked to you, I could tell something was troubling you. I mean, of course there was the evident. But, I know there was something deeper. I was just wondering . . . what is it? "
(( Zero stirred. That question . . . what was there? Zero lowered his head . . . ))
" Matt . . . it's . . . just that . . . I can't explain it . . . . "
(( Slowly, the scene faded, as Matt looked at Zero, then looked to the television as the clips of Havoc pulling off his mask were showing. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion