(( Berkeley, California. Sunday night, with the moon shining brightly down onto Gilman Street. The cold winds blew back and forth periodically, with only the well sheltered people walking the streets in search og their home. At 12 o'clock at night, though, there were few people walking to begin with.
Slowly, the scene dropped down onto the street, looking up at the Gilman apartments. Out of the twenty apartments, not a single apartment light was on. It was as if everyone had decided to turn in early against the weather outside. Not a bad idea, but it left most of the people at the mercy to be alarmed if something quick and urgent was to happen. Something like . . .
Suddenly, from apartment #13, the lights came on. And quickly, a door was slammed wide open. The sound of things falling off of the wall could be heard as a figure quickly stormed out of the apartment. With only a t-shirt and long shorts to battle the cold winds with, he quickly made it to the stairway. He nearly slipped down from the wet dew that had rested on the railings and steps. But, he was determined. Something was definately the problem. Something had just happened to . . . Zero.
He got down the stairs quickly, and, at a fast momenteum, paced past all of the other apartment doors. He passed Matt's apartment, #7, but the lights were not on, not even in his apartment.
Zero came to the edge of the apartment building, and quickly turned, almost running now. The apartment's parking lot was behind the apartments. And, that was where Zero was heading. Despite the cold winds blowing across him, he shook them off, for, there was something that had to do with the parking lot --his Blazier?-- that could not wait.
Zero skidded past a few cars. His Blazier was at the back end of the parking lot. From the distance he was at, though, he knew something was wrong. He knew something was wrong as he made it up to his Blazier . . . '91 model, dark tinted windows, and chipped paint on the front right flap . . . and saw his door hanging loosely open.
Zero grabbed the handle, and swung the door open. No, surely it wasn't true. Surely, it was still in there.
Just earlier, while Zero sat up watching some late night television, a Johnny Treacherous interview had played. Zero had listened to what Treacherous had to say, intent on Treacherous' complaining of how Zero hadn't sided with Treacherous. But, instead, what Zero heard . . . was the last thing he would have expected.
According to Treacherous, he HAD the tape . . . . THE tape . . . the one in which, months ago, Zero had had to vacate the HEW Hardcore Title in. He and Rave had watched it, right during the promo. Zero wouldn't believe that Treacherous had came all the way out to Berkeley to find the tape, though. He couldn't have. That tape must have been a cropped vhs tape.
According to Treacherous, he had taken many things . . . made a complete loot of Zero's Blazier. According to Treacherous . . . but Zero didn't, no, couldn't believe it. That tape meant more to him than anything else at the moment. The other things could slide. But Treacherous couldn't have that tape. Zero had to be sure . . . he had to proove it to himself.
He opened the door. The inside light came on. But, with what Zero saw, the light only helped illuminate what Zero didn't want to see.
Zero instantly reached across the driver's seat, lifting the stack of papers . . . which underneath, SHOULD have been the tape. But no! It was gone! The tape that had been the sign of Zero's lowest point of his life, and the moment in which he truly realised what his life should be . . . was gone! Treacherous has taken it! But, Zero had to be sure.
He grabbed some cd cases. The cases were still there. But, slowly, as Zero opened them one by one, the grim horror was slowly coming true. Inside of the cases, each and every cd was missing. In fact, even in the 2-cd set, the one in which would simply NEVER open . . . both cd's were missing.
It couldn't be true. Zero screamed out . . . ))
(( Zero took a case, in rage and anger, and threw it across the parking lot. A loud smash could be heard of it shattering against the concrete ground. But, Zero wasn't concerned with that. He climbed further into his Blazier . . . what all was there missing?!
Zero looked around his dashboard. Was it still there? He looked against his speedometer. NO! It was missing, too! Zero paced around inside of the Blazier, his anger bioling, his hatred rising, and his feeling of hopelessness increasing with each passing second.
Zero reached down between the seats. There . . . in the floorboard under the steering wheel. Zero reached down, picking up the picture which had fallen to the floor. Wiping away the mud which had incased itself onto the picture itself, Zero looked at the picture . . . an old picture of Karen. Instinctively, he put it back beside the speedometer, despite it's trashed look from, obviously now, Treacherous' doings.
Zero started to climb out of the Blazier, the sinking feeling in his stomach letting him know that his worst fears . . . something that he was sure was being bluffed, had came true. The stolen cd's were merely non-reachable candy. Throwing Karen's picture into the floorboard was kicking a guy when he's down. But, the tape . . . the tape Zero had forced himself to watch the first time, but, after that, simply refused to go let it leave his grisps . . . was now gone. Now, in the hands of Johnny Treacherous.
Backing out of the Blazier, a voice from behind threw Zero off . . . ))
" What the hell happened? "
(( Zero turned quickly. It was Matt, standing before him in a hooded sweatshirt and still, despite that, shivering from the cold winds. He had a look of concern across his face as he stood there, looking at Zero. ))
" What the hell happened, man? I was laying around, and suddenly, I heard like a door slam open at the apartments. Next thing I know, I hear someone running down the stairs, and go by my apartment. I think it woke almost everyone up in the apartment.
I wasn't sure what was going on myself, but I heard the footsteps right above my apartment. I knew it had to be you. I threw on a sweatshirt, and went outside. Sure enough, I looked up at your apartment, and your door was hanging wide open. ))
(( Suddenly, the cold winds hit Zero. He had blocked them out moments before, simply because of the fact that he didn't have time to worry about them. His Blazier had been robbed. But now, as he stood there, looking at Matt, the winds blew straight across his face. And, with all of his energy already at it's peak and now boiling down in a moment of stillness, the ice ran through Zero's body. He quickly tried to retreat to the inside driver's seat of his Blazier. Maybe cut some of the winds down.
Matt saw what was going on, though. And, quickly, from the hand pockets in his hooded sweatshirt, pulled out a sweatshirt, and threw it to Zero. ))
" I had ran up to your apartment, to see if you were still up there. I knew you weren't, though, just by looking at the door still lying wide open. I grabbed one of your sweatshirts off of your couch, just in case you might need it. "
(( Zero took the sweatshirt, sliding it on over his t-shirt. And slowly, sitting down, tried to explain what had just happened. ))
" It's gone. "
(( A look of puzzlement came over Matt's face. What was gone? He wasn't sure. What had he missed? ))
" I think you lost me somewhere. Start from the beginning. What is it that is missing? "
(( And suddenly, Zero rose up from the seat. The anger, the anger which had subdued for a brief moment, came back strong. Zero's expression went from a warily gaze straight into a hard stare at nothing past Matt as Zero responded, his tone increasing ever so slightly. ))
" My tape! That bastard stole it! He came right out here to Berkeley, went through my Blazier, and stole my tape which was sitting over there on the passenger seat. "
(( Suddenly, Matt realized just how angry Zero had became. His tone, his words, his expressions . . . something BIG had just happened.
But what? Which tape? Who had done it? ))
" What?! Who?! "
(( Zero tried to keep his anger at bay. ))
" Just moments ago, I saw a promo by Treacherous . . . and he was sitting on his couch with Rave talking about my tape. The one that I had left for Smooth so many months ago.
" I blew it off as him talking more non-sense. That is, until I saw everything that he was talking about. He was naming off the cd's in my Blazier. He was talking about the picture beside my speedometer. He was describing my backseat. And . . . . he was watching the tape!
" I couldn't believe it. I knew it couldn't be true. I ran out here to my Blazier . . . but it was gone. The cd's . . . the picture was in the floorboard . . . . and the tape was gone! "
(( And suddenly, it all fell into place. Zero's urgent sounds from the apartment above. The screaming coming from the parking lot. The loud shatter heard as Matt was walking out into the parking lot. And . . . the dispaired expression on Zero's face as Matt saw him when he had first arrived. Now it all made sense.
But what could be done? Matt wasn't sure. What could Zero do right now? ))
" Oh man. I didn't know that was it. I . . . I . . . I don't know what to say? What are you going to do? Treacherous could destroy that tape for all that you know. I mean . . . he could make copies of it . . . distribute it. I mean, there's no telling what he will do with it. "
(( As Matt spoke those words, the anger inside of Zero seemed to die away. The grim shock of the truth that Matt was speaking . . . Zero knew it was true. Regret . . . why hadn't he carried it inside that night? But, worse yet . . . the sick feeling in Zero's stomach. He knew the possibilities were endless. Once again, something that had became dear to him; something that he connected with, was once again taken away.
Around two months ago, HaVoC had used Karen to lure Zero in. HaVoC knew that that was the only way that he could ignite the fire, the anger, the retaliation, inside of Zero. And, it had worked. Zero had fought HaVoC. But soon, Karen became just another sand trap in the long quest against HaVoC.
But Zero had won that battle. Despite many times when it looked like HaVoC would be able to claim total victory over Zero, Zero had came back. Came back, until that night of the PPV, when Zero had put HaVoC out, and almost out of wrestling for good.
Now was no different . . . ))
" I know what he is doing. He's using the same tactics as HaVoC once used. Where as HaVoC took something dear to me, with Karen, Treacherous is resorting to his own theft ways. He is taking the tape, MY tape.
He thinks I'm playing mind tricks on him. But there's no mind tricks going on. I simply refuse his offer. But then, he gets pissed about that. He doesn't like being turned down and humilaited in front of people. It's just not his style.
Instead, he resorts to HIS style . . . his "ghetto ways" . . . going around stealing whatever he wants. Stealing it whenever he wants. And, he thinks this will lure me into a match with him? He thinks this will make me *fight* him? "
(( Would he? Matt didn't know. ))
" Will it? "
(( Zero lowered his head, running his cold hands through his hair. The thoughts and possibilities ran through his head. But, was he sure about anything right now? ))
He opened his mouth, but the words . . . the answer, couldn't come out. Again, Zero tried. His answer was stuck. Deep inside of Zero's throat. ))
" It . . . I . . . I want my tape back, and I will do what it takes to get it back. I won't play Treacherous' game. He wants me to join him, he wants me to fight him. But, I just want my life restored to it's *normal* way. And, by having something, anything . . . that tape . . . to keep my priorities in focus . . . I'll get that tape back. I don't care if he records a thousand copies of it and distributes it to stores nationwide. That isn't the issue. I just want the tape. He might think I treasure simple things, but, it is the simple things in life that keep people *sane*. "
(( Slowly, Zero sat up in his Blazier. He opened a cd case, but the cd was gone . . . gone like all of his other cd's.
Matt looked in at him. ))
" Hey man, it's getting cold out here. I mean, you might want to come inside. I'm about to freeze. Go on back to your apartment, get some rest. You definately need some after what has happened. I'm serious man. Coming from a . . . . . . . friend, you need to get back inside before the cold really affects you. "
(( Matt looked at Zero. Matt's face was beginning to shiver from the blowing, chilling winds. And, looking in at Zero, Matt saw Zero, trying to block out the cold that Matt knew was getting to Zero. ))
" I'm going back home in a minute. I just need to . . . think over some things. "
(( Would he really go back to his apartment? Matt wasn't sure. He didn't know if he would just stay out in his Blazier for the whole night. But, also, Matt knew he had said what he needed to say. If Zero was going to go back home, he would go back when he was ready.
Right now, though, Matt knew he had to leave. He had to let Zero be. Maybe he hadn't said enough about what had happened to Zero's tape. Maybe he had said too much. But, from here on out, Matt knew he had to let Zero be. Let him think it out . . . think out what he would do about it concerning Treacherous. ))
" Ok man, do what you have to do. You'll get the tape back, though. I know you will. "
(( Zero said nothing. Sitting with his hands resting on the steering wheel, and his head hanging low, he just shook his head as a reply to Matt. And, Matt knew, that would most probably be the biggest response he would get now.
Matt turned, and began walking back to the apartments. He took one more look back at Zero, but Zero was still sitting, his head low, in the driver's seat. The door was still open, but Zero wasn't making any drastic moves.
Matt turned back around, and began to walk back towards the apartments. Walking, coming up to the edge of the back wall to them.
And, as he walked closer to the front, he saw a light. The closer he got, the more he realized what it was. Suddenly, Matt began a swift run to the front on the apartments, only to see a two police cars parked outside of the apartment front.
As he saw them stepping out of their cars, Matt wasn't sure what to think. Could the apartment neighbors reported the loud sounds, and screaming, and shattering to the police? Matt figured that's what it was. But, he couldn't let them get back to the back parking area. Zero was back there, and Matt knew Zero didn't want to be disturbed. But . . . what if they decided to go back there?
Thinking came to a complete stop, as one of the officers saw Matt. ))
" Hey you! Come here! We got some reports about some neighborhood violence, or something to that idea. Do you know anything about it? "
(( Stall. That would be the only thing Matt could do. Think up something, and quick. ))
" Uh, yeah officer. I heard everything that happened, too. I live right there in apartment #7. That's why I'm outside right now. I got out to see what was going on. But, from what I've seen, all it looks like to be is probably just animals running around through the streets. I mean, that's the only thing I can figure out. "
(( Did he buy it? Matt wasn't sure, but he had to stall the police from going back to the parking area, if that's what their intentions were.
But, the police had bought it . . . sort of. ))
" Figures. We get these kind of reports all the time, and it usually turns out to be nothing more than some kids playing a practical joke, or just some stupid animal running loose.
Still though, company procedure. We gotta give everything a look over before we report back to the station. "
(( The officer turned around to another officer standing behind him. ))
" You go take a look around the back, report anything that looks suspicious. I'll look around the front. I'd say about a ten minute search out to make the boss happy.
. . . turning back to Matt
" You can go ahead and go back to your apartment. We have everything under control from here. "
(( But no! They didn't have everything under control! Matt didn't know what to do. If they went around back, that would make everything out-of-control.
But, there was nothing Matt could do. He couldn't arouse suspisions. That would only make them stay longer. All he could do was go back to his apartment, and hope the policeman in the back done the kind of search he expected he would do . . . non-chalent, not really caring.
Matt turned from the policemen, and walked towards his apartment door. That was all he could do . . . ))
(( The policeman walked around the parking area. He looked around at the cars, the trucks . . . the blaziers. Nothing seemed to be out of ordinary back in the parking area. A smashed cd case, but, he figured, what could you expect with the Gilman club only being a few blocks down the road? Only thing that looked really odd was how bad that paint was chipping off of that black Blazier parked in the back. But hey, the officer figured, if you couldn't afford a nice house, how would you ever be able to afford a nice car?
The officer reported into his walkie, and started walking back to the front . . . ))
(( A match was struck. And suddenly, the alley erupted into a bright light as a fire was lit in the metal garbage can. And, beside the warm flames it was giving off, stood Zero.
He put his hands over close to the burning fire, as he thought. Thought, and calculated. Yes, he told Matt he would go home tonight. And . . . that was exactly where he was. *Home*. His real home. The place where he would, and always, go to when he needed to sort things out.
And now that Treacherous had decided to strike even closer to home than Zero had expected him to . . . the presence of the alley . . . the one thing that NO ONE could take away from Zero . . . was once again, there for him. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion