The sun was setting low in Berkeley, California. Cars and ATVs traveled back and forth along the connecting roads inside of the city. Christie Road, Lane Drive, Gilman Street. The traffic was not bad, it was merely winding down on the Tuesday evening of when Matt and Erica, no older than twenty years old each, sat outside of Matt's apartment. He lived along Gilman Street, at the appropriately entitled "Gilman Apartments." They were known more so probably because of the alley that rested against it's far right wall, but to Matt, they had been home for over a year now.
His girlfriend has stopped by for a while. Erica hadn't seen him in over two days . . . a stretch, seeing as how their relationship had grown over the hot summer months. As they sat outside, under the light that hung from the awning of the second floor of the apartments, Matt smoked on a cigarette as Erica sat close by. They talked about recent occurances in each of their lives. College upcoming for Erica. Matt's new job at the warehouse down Lane Drive. Everything was fine and peaceful.
From up above the awning, and across two apartments, though, the line of a fast, pulsating bass line and drum beat began to play. Erica took her off eyes of Matt, abrupting their conversation, to look into the direction from where the music was coming from. She soon realized who's apartment it was. Darting her eyes back to Matt, curiously, she asked . . .
" Matt . . . is that coming from . . . Zero's apartment? "
Not really knowing how to answer, because he had yet to tell her of the initial conversation he had had with him when Zero had in fact returned, Matt just smiled. Erica loved to see him smile. In an awkward voice, Matt said . . .
" Well . . . yes. He finally came back to his apartment. "
Erica was in shock. She had grown close to Zero since they had first met back in March. Not close as in how her and Matt were close, but close as in how you can become close to someone and be able to trust them with your problems. She was still not in the same area that Matt was with him, though. She assumed it was just a matter of time, that was all.
" It's been so long. When did he come back? "
Matt didn't know, he honestly didn't. He had only seen that he had returned by accident. He told Erica.
" I dunno. He just came back one day. I stepped outside of the apartment, and there it was . . . his apartment lights on. I do not know where he had been for three months, or when he had came back, or even how he still had an apartment to come back to after that time, but there he was. Or his lights were on, I should say. "
Erica knew that Matt had no idea. But she was curious by nature. She wanted to know what exactly, and where exactly, had Zero been. She knew it wasn't like him to just . . . LEAVE. Occasionally on her way to Matt's, she would see him exiting that alley at the end of Matt's apartment complex. That was about to the extent of how far Zero usually went, she assumed. But who knows, she could of been wrong. She knew there was much more to Zero than what she knew. She was finding it out first hand.
" Did you ask him? "
Matt thought back to when he had tried. He had tried alright. Matt knew just as well as Erica did, that Zero usually wasn't gone for such a long time at a time. In fact, Matt didn't think ANYONE did that. Who knows, though.
" I tried. He wouldn't answer. He only shown me his left wrist. "
Erica's eyebrows rose in surprise. If she was curious before, she was now downright confused. What would his wrist have to do with him being gone? Chalk up another dead end road. Erica had already learned a building block to something she already knew. She had known Zero since March, but still didn't know him.
" What? Why? What was there about his left wrist? "
Matt thought back to when Zero had in fact raised his wrist as the only viable answer to Matt's question of where he had been. It was taped up. Zero had looked to Matt with his glaze, then lowered his hand as if the answer had been sufficiant. Zero hadn't been mystoic in any other answers. Matt had asked him how he was, etc. Well, the general questions one would ask someone after they have just returned from what seemed to be a long trip. Only, Zero wasn't saying what exactly the trip was.
" I don't know. He removed the wrappings from it a week ago, but up until then, it was wrapped in that white tape from the knuckles up to halfway along his forearm. "
Wrappings? Why were there wrappings on Zero's wrist? That dumbfounded Erica. She knew that if Zero had told Matt why the wrappings were there in the first place, he would of outright told him where he had been. But instead, it appeared as if a simple visual had been the answer to Matt's question. Still curious, though, Erica asked . . .
" What . . . what did it look like afterwards? The wrist, that is. "
Matt had only seen it once. Last Wednesday. It had been brief. They said 'hey' to each other as Zero set out to his Blazer in the back parking lot. Matt had noticed that the wrappings were gone from his left wrist.
" It looked fine. Lord knows how long the wrapping was on there to begin with, though. "
How long had those wrappings been on Zero's left wrist? Erica knew it couldn't of been longer than three months. Had it in fact been three months? She was getting more confused just thinking about it. She didn't know. She wasn't sure. Who knew? Those wrappings could of came from anything. What if Zero had been beat up months ago, left to die, and was finally getting back to Berekely. Concealing his story, just because of what people would think? What if it was worse?
" I'm a little worried, Matt. He suddenly vanished in May, and now he won't talk about it. Do you think it was the police again? "
Matt had a small wave of confidence go through him about the answer to that question. He knew it wasn't that. But he also knew that there was no sense in wondering on end about what it could be. Even if they guessed right, would Zero even tell them so?
" No. If it was, we would of heard about it by now. Erica . . . come on. We don't know. He isn't talking. There's no chance of dragging it out of him. Not until he is ready to say what it is, will he say what it is. "
But she was persistent. She was curious. She wanted to put that itch to rest.
" But what has he been doing since he returned? "
The only way Matt could cure that itch of hers, he assumed, was to answer it as clear as he knew how. She could see through him when he lied. But all he knew were sketchy reports and facts that were so . . . vivid and large. At least, not to Erica. She always knew there was something large in everything. Matt could only say what he knew, though.
" Mainly, he's been in his apartment. There were two days when he left, but he came back. I didnt ask him about them, though. He seemed more at peace . . . confident, almost, after he returned. "
The thing about him leaving for two days, it kind of hit and bounced off of Erica. It didn't seem as crucial at the moment as wondering where he was for THREE MONTHS was. She felt sorry for him. Something was wrong with him, and she couldn't talk to him and try to help him out like she had done in the past, simply because he had up what appeared to be a wall for where he was, what he was doing. She didn't know what to do.
" I feel sorry for him. "
That was one thing you shouldn't be for Zero. Matt knew that. Zero hated that. Sorrow was something in a poem. His life wasn't a poem. Matt recalled all of the conversations regarding just that thing. Funny how quickly he could remember it when Erica mentioned. She felt sorry for him.
" Don't be. He doesn't like that. He only wants to be who he is, as how everyone else should be who they are. He doesn't feel sorry for anyone, because they made themselves who they are, just as how he did, despite what all he has went through. I remember him saying, a long time ago when he had first met you, that he liked that characteristic about you. That you were who you were, despite your circumstance and stereotypes regarding people who had backgrounds like you did. But he was happy for us. "
That done the trick. Erica started to blush, smiling that big white smile at Matt. Matt was still curious, was still in a half worry about what exactly had went on with Zero for those three months, but he didn't want Erica to worry, too. Leave that up to him. In the present, the two were finally seeing each other after a few days of not being able to. Matt wanted to make the moment for the two of them . . . not to spend their limited time debating on what is going in the life of one of their friends.
Erica smiled up at Matt, content with a conclusion to their talk.
" Matt! Come on then . . . let's go back into your apartment. "
Tossing an idle cigarette to the curb, Matt and Erica got up from their seats, and walked back inside to Matt's apartment.
Walking up the stairs of the apartments as the moon shone brightly down onto the night time street of Gilman, Matt carried an item under his left shoulder. He was heading towards Zero's apartment, apartment number thirteen. He was still confused and wondering what it was he had just seen. It didn't make sense, but hopefully Zero would know what it was all about.
Coming up to the door, Matt took the item into his right hand, and knocked on the door with his left. He wasn't sure if Zero was even home or not, or if he was already asleep, as the lights viewable through the windows were all turned off. From inside, though, a voice hollared out to him.
" Come in. "
He was home. Matt took ahold of the knob, making sure he didn't drop the item in his right hand. Opening the door, he saw that every light in the house was off except a light coming from the kitchen, inside and off to the right. Closing the door, he walked slowly through the living room, making sure he didn't step on anything that was lying on the floor. A few framed pictures and some cd's were left scattered across it. It took some balance to avoid one cd that Matt had not seen on the floor.
Walking into the kitchen, he saw Zero sitting at the table, a desklight shown above a stack of pictures that he was looking through. When Zero saw Matt walk in, he looked up to him, and put the pictures away.
" Hey Zero. How's it going? "
Matt wasn't sure what the pictures were, but was sure it wasn't something to hide, or else Zero would of put them away when he first heard that someone was there.
" Matt . . . saw you and Erica today down below. Didn't want to disturb you guys, though. "
He had walked out briefly earlier in the night for some fresh air, when he had heard talking below. He had looked down to see the two, but had walked back inside instead of conversing.
" Oh, I'm sure Erica wouldn't of minded. She was talking about how she's glad to hear of you back, actually. "
Zero just nodded his head. He wasn't ready to start a big discussion over Matt's girlfriend. Instead, his gaze wandered over to Matt's right hand.
Matt, sensing that Zero wasn't going to respond, quickly got to the reason of why he had came in the first place.
" Yeah, anyways man, I brought something for you. Something you might want to see. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. It came on the the TV just after Erica left tonight. "
Zero's curiosity was perked. What exactly could it be that Matt had brought over to him? He did notice something in Matt's hand . . .
" And what would that be? "
Matt raised his right hand up, holding the item . . .
" This . . . "
. . . and gave Zero a VHS tape. Zero took it, and looked at it. It was obviously an old tape that had been taped over and taped over. The scratched out titles gave that away. But what was it that was on there for him?
" I don't think I got the first of it recorded. I had to scramble to find a tape. But I'm pretty sure you'd be interested in seeing it. I have no clue of what it's about, but it's by Havoc, though. It was as if he was responding to you. "
Ok, it started making more sense. It was another one of those promo's that ran occasionally on the station that the HEW aired on. Obviously Havoc had received the tape that Zero had sent him. Now a response . . . this would be interesting.
" I see. "
Matt watched as Zero looked over the tape. Watched, as he could see the wheel beginning to spin in Zero's head. Cocking an eyebrow, Matt asked . . .
" Do you have any idea what it could be about? "
Taking his look from off the tape, and back up to Matt, Zero assurantly told him . . .
" I think I have a good idea. "
Matt was really beginning to get like Erica now. Maybe she was rubbing off on him, because Matt's curiosity was beginning to get large. He knew there was more to it than what he knew. Now, just what was it? He had to dig a little on this. He was pretty sure Zero wasn't going to just outright explain everything away to him.
" What do you think it could be? "
Zero took a deep sigh, leaning back in his chair. He looked down to the tape once more, and then sat it on the kitchen table, right where the pictures had been sitting. Looking up at Matt, he exhaled and began to tell him the story. Matt may have been a little off. Zero obviously didn't mind too bad telling him the story to it.
" Well . . . remember a two day period when I left last week? "
Matt had just told Erica about that just hours earlier. But he had had no idea where he had gone.
" Yeah . . . "
Zero sat his hands on the table, and slouched down into his chair a little.
" Well . . . I went to the HEW show to . . . take care of some things. You remember . . . the things that were always going on between him and I. And now, my last message to him was on an old black and white tape that I sent to him. I'm pretty sure he didn't receive it too well. "
The HEW! Matt should of figured. He should of, but yet, it had never entered his mind. All he remembered was Zero, getting ready for the return of the HEW, and then it closing it's doors right before the re-inagrual show. He had assumed Zero had left wrestling for good . . . before he had suddenly disappeared.
How did Havoc act in that tape? It was kinda like a mixed feeling. Matt had a hard time really reading Havoc's actions during the entire thing.
" Ohh. No, he didn't seem to be . . . and yet, had a great feeling in the message, actually. It was weird. So, you're returning to the wrestling ring, then? "
Zero thought for a few minutes on that, looking up at Matt as he leaned against the door post, and then back down to his hands on the table. Recalling what he had previously said, he looked back up to Matt.
" The last thing I said regarding it to Havoc was . . . "It's Over." From there, who knows how and if we'll meet again? "
Huh? But . . . what was that supposed to mean? Was he leaving or staying? It was a cryptic message. Matt was sure of it. He couldn't really tell, though. He hadn't really had a chance to really talk to Zero in three months. Maybe his tonage was changing. Who knew. Whatever it meant, though, Matt was sure that Zero knew what he was doing. Matt sure didn't know.
" Well man, here's best of luck to whatever and however it happens. "
Zero raised his index finger in a abnormal thanks type way. He looked back down to the tape again.
" Thanks. When do you want the tape back? "
A big grin broke over Matt's face. He put his hands in his pockets, and chuckled back to Zero.
" Oh, that? Don't worry about it. Keep it. Probably recorded over some old porn or something, anyways. Don't need that anymore, though! "
Matt was expecting Zero to probably laugh from that one, but was surprised to see Zero just shake his head in affirmance, but keep pretty much a monotone facial expression from the comment. Maybe he was just really into wanting to see the tape, that the comment hadn't registered. That was what Matt had figured.
Matt pushed off the wall, and took his hands back out of his pockets. He needed to go ahead and get back over to his apartment. He knew Zero had some things to take care of, and plus, Matt needed to get to bed rather early, or he might possibly sleep in past work. It had happened before. Better not let it happen again.
" Well man, it's nice seeing you around again. If you ever want to talk . . . nevermind. Nice having you back around again. "
Why had he said that? There was no use in being such a curious person in other's personal lives. Matt was just thankful he stopped himself before he said more. He really should go.
Zero looked up at him, and nodded his head goodbye. He was more focused on getting ready to see what the offering was of the tape that he held in his hands. He raised his left arm up to wave goodbye to Matt.
His left arm . . . left wrist . . . left hand.
Matt looked at the hand for a moment, remembering the story he had told Erica earlier about the wrappings. He looked a little closer at the hand for a moment. Was that a scar atop the hand? Matt wasn't sure. He couldn't be obvious that he was staring. Zero's voice sounded just as Matt turned his attention back to Zero.
" Bye Matt. "
Was that a scar?
" I'll see you around, Zero. "
Zero reached behind the TV in his living room, and pulled out the small black and white cam-corder. He had one last thing to say to Havoc after the viewing of the "promo" that Havoc had done on him. Zero had a shoot of his own to give back to Havoc. He just couldn't let it go with Havoc having the last say. He couldn't go out with Havoc retaining the upper command. He couldn't leave with Havoc . . . thinking . . . he won.
Zero sat the camera up on the table, just like last time. (OOC = Click here to see what I'm talking about) It faced the couch. Zero went over to turn it on, but waited a moment before doing that. He say down on his couch, head down, thinking. What should he say? So many lies were spewed forth. So much. He had to be careful in how he worded himself. This would be the last that Havoc saw of him. Havoc knew that much, at least.
Regaining what he should say, Zero raised his head back up, and slowly got up from the couch. A spring popped in the corner of it, but he didn't pay it no mind. It was the couch of truth right now. You don't mess with a good thing going.
Zero walked over to the camera, and pressed record . . .the camera, it was all black and white. Zero walked out of view for a brief moment, before returning into the small screen of the red light and lense. He sat down onto the couch slowly, his eyes not yet looking into the camera. In his left hand, palm forward, he held a cigarette. He raised it to his lips, inhaling. He held it close to his lips as he slowly blew the smoke out, knocking ashes from the cigarette down onto his floor.
From the view of
From the black and white view, Zero's leg swayed a little, mashing the ashes. His gaze had yet to focus onto the red light of the camera.
Slowly, adjusting in his seat, and propping his elbows onto his knees, hands extending out, almost touching, Zero opened his mouth.
" I had left it to be, Havoc. I am tired of this whole ordeal. It's recycled, boring, and your persistence is in vain. You may think you have control, but actually, I am OUT OF YOUR CONTROL. I always have been. You might of been able to manipulate people you were in direct contact with, and their past with mine struck a nerve, but it was never you yourself. "
Zero's gaze raised. He looked more into the camera. Smoke flashed in front of his face. His breathing knocked it from side to side as he waited. Waited, to speak again . . .
" You may think that I fear a return, but it is simply not true. I do not fear returning. A relatively "safe" environment of a wrestling ring does not invoke fear. It is only when those conditions are gone, does fear have a chance to manifest. And it is only in those conditions that I enjoy. Your thoughts betray you for it is actually you who is afraid of having to step back into that environment. My environment. You cannot hide behind those facts. "
Zero took another drag from his cigarette, and stepped away off of the couch. The camera picked up a noise that sounded almost as if a broken spring.
When Zero returned, he held a VHS tape in his hand. He looked down upon it, while inhaling more nicotene from his cigarette. He sat back down on the couch, with, again, a spring noise going off. Zero didn't seem to pay it no mind, though. Throwing his gaze back to the red light, he began to speak again.
" I was fortunate enough to get a chance to see the offering that you just couldn't keep away. You just had to keep it going. The fear of a world without, pain or no pain, must strike that fear that I mentioned, in you. What would life be like? You wonder . . . it's been so long since you never had to see a moment without the thought of me in the back of your mind.
" But finally . . . the truth has came out. A last message to me. It's something. You've finally pulled apart ONE veil that you hide behind . . . Mason Xavier. Well Charles . . . can I call you Charles? Just something about that name that fits in better than 'Mason.' I just can't place it right now. Regardless, there was yet another mistake that you made. Even a professor can make a mistake. "
Zero tossed the tape out of the viewing area, and took another drag.
" There is no hypocrisy that you speak of. That was yet another of your mistakes. My name is Zero, as it has been for eleven years. 'Lint Douglas' died to everyone at the age of 14. The only remnants left over from the time period of 'Lint Douglas' remain stored away in my mind, kept away from the world. They are moments for me, and me alone . . . except one. Only one person has ever met 'him' in the post-era. But to you . . . Mason . . . no matter what word you might refer to me as, you still address the person known as Zero. "
His eyes darkened as he closed them a little. It was hard to distinguish through a black and white screen, but none-the-less, they did. He was starting to get slightly louder in his mellow voice. A memory of the past. Something that he was trying to keep away, forget about, move on from. His next words came through a tightly pressed mouth.
" Still, your persistence. Lint did not run from anyone. Listen to what I just said a few minutes ago. I, Zero, was forced into it. You say that I left the few people who cared for me to worry? No. There was no one who I intentionally tried to hurt when I left. It is because . . . there was no one. No one that WOULD believe me. No one. If I had thought that just for a moment . . . just a MOMENT . . . that someone would believe me when it had happened, then there would of been no evasion. There wouldn't be that black period of my life. But alas, there was no one who could of seen it my way . . . the truth. No one who could of helped me. "
Taking the last final drag from his cigarette, Zero reached out of view, and returned cigarette-less. He leaned forward, getting closer into the recording view of the camera. He propped his elbows on his knees, and put his hands together, resting his chin on them. Looking to the left, then slowly, in a clockwork motion, to the right, he brought his eyes back dead straight forward for his final words to Havoc. Opening his mouth very slowly, he spoke the words clearly, slowly, pronouncely, but forward.
" There has been no accomplishment for you, Mason. Accomplishment comes in victory, and you have yet to dress for battle. Accomplishment came to me . . . as I won the battle I set out for. Now . . . now, only you must decide what my mission was to start with. "
Removing a propped hand off of his knee, the recording view captured a hand moving over it. It swayed to the left a little, before going to fuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Later in the night, as Zero was addressing the envelope to send to Havoc in care of the HEW offices, he looked down at the address . . .
HEW Tower
555 HC Street
Greensville, SC 56789-12345
Taking his pen, he made one final correction
Mason Xavier
HEW Tower
555 HC Street
Greensville, SC 56789-12345
He should get it just before Thursday, thought Zero.