The aftermath of what was known as Zero Tolerance. The men, women, and children have all left long ago. Only the ring crew remained, as they dutily dismantled the ring and stage, each doing their part with only a muffle of complaint. The men who really run the wrestling world.
The view panned around in a slow 180 fashion, capturing all of the arena in it's utter trashed state. The front row seats that people paid hard earned money for. The middle section, where most chose initially to sit. Then, to the nose bleeds where only the most casual of fans tended to stay. And again the view panned . . . panning out, catching an image high above, sitting in a deluxe view overlooking the ring in front and below. It was the skybox of the arena. The same skybox where only hours earlier had a great confrontation taken place. J-Smooth, sitting alone for a while during the time that his two comrades, Havoc and Nocturnal, were behind in the locker rooms, preparing for their segments, when Zero had walked in behind him, grabbing hold of J-Smooth's arm, and pulling it behind his back. J-Smooth was trapped by his associate, Havoc's, worst enemy. And Havoc was just about to enter the ring.
The end result had been Zero pulling just a little too hard on Smooth's shoulder, in which a pop was then suddenly heard. Vacating the skybox, Zero went into the nether regions of the arena, leaving Smooth to grab in pain as Havoc and Nocturnal shortly arrived there after.
And now, many hours later, there was the skybox again. Wait. A figure stirred up in there. A foot, dangling off a chair.
Inside of the skybox. It was dark inside of it, with only the illuminance from the work crew below giving off the light to see around inside of the skybox. An occasional spark of light came and went from the broken overhead light, which was running perfectly until just hours earlier. A shoe was made out in the dim light, propped against a chair in front of the person. As the view adjusted to the darkness, the glimmer of metal reflected. The head turned. More glimmer. Facial piercings. There was only one in the HEW with that.
Zero was back in the skybox.
Sitting back, slouched in the second row of the skybox seats with his feet propped against the seats in front of him, Zero sat with his hands in his lap. He had a monotone glare to his face, not showing any emotion yet. He shifted . . .
The view faded into a closeup of his face, the piercings and all, as Zero slowly opened his mouth to speak
" Is it starting to turn sour?
" Is the plan not happening as expected?
" Has it fell apart in your very hands? "
A glimmer passed through his eyes, as his facial expression went from monotone to dark and low key. He raised up in his seat just a little.
" Remember three weeks ago? You wanted me. And that night, I came. But it was you who decided to halt what was destined to happen at that moment. It was your decision to postpone things, deciding what should take place next. Your choice. You wanted me, then turned chicken shit and retreated to the safety of your commissionor role. That was your chance, Havoc. You blew it. "
Removing his hands from his lap, he raised a walkie talkie to his side, looking at it, twisting it. He began to speak as if in the direction of the walkie talkie to his right.
" Last week, you decided to wanted to end it. Nah-ah. Your chance was the week before. Because after then, it all turned over to the decision of MY time frame. I call the shots. And you wound up left lying face up on concrete, looking up at the monster that you created in spite of yourself. You created your own demise. It's something I now don't regret. It's something I now revel in. "
Lowering the walkie talkie down, he turned his face back forward, his facial expression like that of someone about to speak in scholarly terms.
" And now, earlier tonight. What can we say about tonight? Perhaps the fact that the man you report to will be in a sling for a while now? Or perhaps was it that you're becoming an obsessed man, Havoc. Your visions came too quickly, so you simply backed out of them prematurely, only to realize you watched the ship slide on by. Now you're in your raft, trying to catch the boat that holds your prize. Only problem is, wherever this ship goes, it creates a current that knocks your raft from side to side, throwing you off course, and making your goal and destination THAT MUCH harder to obtain.
" Tonight was the proof. You were so obsessed with me that you forgot about the safety of your friends . . . and left them to "die," so to speak, at the hands of I. J-Smooth was first. Who's next? It is apparant that you will be LAST, Havoc. "
Rasing the walkie talkie back up to his side, looking at it, he darted his attention back forward, as a half smirk quickly passed across his face, and into an expression of contempt.
" You were so caught up, that it never occurred to you until much too late that a single security guard, trapped in the open, is much easier "prey" to take down, than a whole herd. "
Turning the walkie talkie on with a click of a button, Zero continued talking
" And lastly, you forgot one other thing. The ball's out of your court, Mason. It's not your time anymore. It's no longer in Smooth's control. It's no longer his time. It's now MY time! And when that happens, you just have to sit back until I make the next choice in direction. "
Putting his mouth to the walkie talkie, he said
" Live . . . Breath . . . and Die . . . . . . . "
A carelessly left on mic picked up a lone walkie talie still laying at ringside. His voice echo'ed acorss the arena, startling the ring crew workers, who up until that time, had thought that they were alone.
Clicking the walkie talking off, Zero spoke his last words in a barely above whisper voice . . .
" . . . . . from those words. "
Looking straight ahead, his eyes barely twitching as he rested on that last note, he appeared in some sort of daze. A small turn of the eyes, though, and Zero pulled himself up. Getting out of the skybox seat, Zero started the decent into the nether regions of the arena once again.
Finally . . . (long, dramatic pause) . . . the Zero site has . . . . changed designs! It's all been completely redone as of this roleplay being posted. The change in rp format is also a one time thing, using the background, font, and main image from the new site. Be sure to stop by the site and check it out, if even but for a brief moment, before heaing out! There are new things everywhere for you to read, download, and particpate in. That includes the new and expanded History section, as well as a large exerpt from the "Revelations" long form story. And yeah, that's right . . . that IS a new banner to the site below!