(( In South Carolina, it was late in the afternoon. The sun had settled over the distant mountains. Familes were on their front porches, sharing the sun setting together. Old friends were having their usual poker games. The fishermen were coming home from a day out on the lake. Everything would of seemed at peace here. Everywhere, except in Hardcore city, at the HEW Head Quarters. A pounding on the front door, a slamming of a fist against bullet proof glass. Zero wanted in, but no one was offering to open the door for him. Not at this moment.
To understand this situation, you must know what happened the day before all of this arose. The day before, the new HEW Gazette had been printed. Zero had gotten a copy, to see what other people thought about the current state of the HEW. As he sat in a motel room, he flipped through the pages, stopping off at the rankings. A number 5 ranking for the World title. That didn't really matter to him, though. A number 2 ranking for the Hardcore title. That was getting a little closer to home. A home he had knew for quite a while.
But as he turned the pages, he came upon Damon Cutter's latest section of news and gossip. And then, he realized, how he had been used. In the second half of Damon's section, was a long article on Zero's recent stable affairs. It read off exactly as how Zero had had the conversation with Damon Cutter not too long ago. ***if you missed that roleplay read it here*** This was when Zero realized that Damon Cutter had somehow been bugged, and had still managed to record their entire conversation despite Zero destroying Damon Cutter's recorder. Zero read into the opinions that Damon made about the conversation.....
(as said by Damon Cutter in the Gazette) "Despite Zero's denial of having alterior motives for leaving Terror Inc., I believe otherwise. I mentioned the thought of him attacking Terror Inc. in order to help out Elite, and he was infuriated. I asked him if he was now Elite, and he said I asked too many questions. I don't know folks, but I smell a cover-up. I have reasons to believe that Zero could be the Elite's "hired gun", if you will. A hitman for them. Someone people wouldn't expect. And who would expect Zero to sell out and hook up with Elite? I know he's probably hard for cash right now, so, he could use all the money he could get. Mark my word, no matter what Zero tells you, he's Elite.
I smell of cover-up by J-Smooth himself by having Zero face Semper Fi this Tuesday. Either, it could be a match to see who's the most eliglble to be Elite, or it's a way to cover-up Zero's errors in how he always talked about "we", as in the Elite, folks. J-Smooth might think he fooled everyone, but this is one reporter you can't fool. And, in other news....Bobby Jackson......a disco king now?............."
Zero threw the paper down. He was mad. He had thought that he had completely ridded Damon Cutter of any recording devices, but now he knew better. The proof was the complete transcribed interview on pages 17-19.
Zero wouldn't let this slide. He had to get Damon Cutter. No one ever used Zero and got away with it. Not before, when he was 12, and a kid had taken all of his 3 dollars, and his shirt. Zero, underestimated by the older kids, had beaten this kid up, leaving him with a broken nose and 2 cracked ribs. And Zero wouldn't be used now, when he was stronger than he was back then, and more able to do things about people like Damon Cutter.
The next day, Zero was at the HEW Headquarters, trying to get in. He knew people were in there. Cars were in the parking lot, and lights were on all the way up to the 4th floor of the building. But no one was going to let Zero in.
He saw into a crack of a window. A woman was sitting at a desk, trying to act like she didn't realize that he was out there. But she would soon find out that she couldn't fake the act any longer. Zero went to a bench outside, and got a chair. He then brought it back, and threw it against the front door. The chair dented up, but the force of the throw sent a crack running down a window beside. It's glass was obviously not made of bullet-proof glass.
The woman couldn't sit there any longer. She got out of her desk, and said something into a device on the wall. Then, she disappeared behind a wall. Soon after, two large men came through a door, and headed straight for the main door. Zero saw them, and took a step back from the main door. They opened it, with looks on their faces that Zero could tell they didn't come out just to tell Zero to calm down. ))
Security #1: " Alright guy, I think I know who you are, but that doesn't matter. You're violating laws, and we're gonna stop you. "
(( The other security guard pulled out a pair of handcuffs, and started towards Zero. ))
Zero: " I haven't came here to cause trouble for anyone. I merely wish to speak with Damon Cutter, but it appears that no one is willing to let me in. I haven't committed a crime, I am just wanting some answers. "
(( The security guard with the handcuffs moved a little closer to Zero. ))
Security #2: " Sure. Well, we're just going to make sure that you stay away from doing a crime. We just need to get you away from here. "
Zero: " Yeah, sure."
(( The security guard with the cuffs lunged towards Zero, but Zero dodged out of the way. The other guard threw a punch at Zero, a glancing blow off of Zero jaw. Zero snapped back by the punch, but ducked the security guard's grasp. Zero ran for the open door, and jumped in. He then got up, and saw the security guards coming after him. Zero quickly slammed the door shut, and locked the door. Knowing they had a key, though, Zero put a chair under the door, just to hold them off for a few minutes. Just long enough for Zero to get what he needed done accomplished.
Zero ran to the elevator, and decided to go to the third floor. He punched the button, and in 10 seconds, the door reopened. People were mildly walking around, disregarding Zero walking around amongst them. He looked severly out of place, with everyone else in suits and coats. Zero was in his t-shirt and pants, and his green hair, and multiple piercings and tattoos. But he didn't let this stop him. He proceded through the people, looking for Damon Cutter's office.
After looking through every corner, he finally did not find it. Then he saw Lecompte walking towards an elevator. Zero quickly got over to where Lecompte was, and stopped him.
Zero: " Lecompte! Where's Damon Cutter's office? We have some talking to do. "
(( Lecompte looked at Zero, then the elevator. ))
Lecompte: "Well, I didn't tell you, but his on the second floor. I don't know if he's here or not, though. "
(( Lecompte went to go get in the elevator, but was rushed by Zero, and knocked to the floor. Zero got in the elevator, and closed the door. Lecompte got up scratching his head.
The elevator opened, and Zero looked around. To his left, he saw venders and other itmes set up. But to his right, he saw a door. He walked over to the door. There, on the front, "Damon Cutter" was boldlly put on a gold plate on the door.
Zero starts banging on the door. No one answers. ))
Zero: " Damon Cutter! I know you're in there. You better come out before I come in after you. You have a lot of explaining to do. You had no right recording our conversations. Then you run with that, and assume I'm in the Elite. Damon Cutter! Damon Cutter! You have a lot of explaining to do! "
(( Suddenly, Zero hears a noise. Cops! The security must have called the police for help. Zero looks down the hallway, and then back to Damon's door. He has things to settle with Damon, he has to make it clear not to take advantage of him anymore. But still, he can't rick getting arrested tonight, one day before he has to fight Elite member, Semper Fi. ))
Zero: " Damon, don't forget what I said! You never know when we'll strike! "
(( Then, Zero turns, and heads further down the hallway. Suddenly, police come around the corner, and see Zero at the other end. The hollar out, and start running for Zero. Zero starts to run, and finds a door leading to a staircase. He enters it, and heads down the stairs. The police follow, though. They're pulling out their guns. Zero looks up the stairs. He sees them coming. He looks to his left and right. A window. He surely couldn't be no higher than the first floor now. He turns toward the window, and leaps at it. Glass shatters, and Zero goes out of the window.
The police run down to the window. Glass is shattered everywhere. Blood is visible on the window pane. They look out of the window. Zero is nowhere to be seen. ))