(( Wednesday evening. Berkeley, California. The sun is still on the horizon, and people are busily walking the streets, getting their shopping and errands done so they do not have to be out late after dark.
Off of Gilman street, placed inbetween a junkyard and a cheap motel, are where the Gilman apartments are located. There are 3 levels to the building, with small apartments setup 10 to a row. In apartment number 13, Zero is setting up his new home.
For weeks now, he has been living in motels, traveling to the HEW shows. He had decided against getting anywhere permanent to live at the moment. He was unsure how long this tenure in HEW would last. Wondering if the cops would come calling again. But nothing, other than the HEW Headquarters incident, had invloved any run-in with the law. Therefore, Zero decided it was time to settle on somewhere permanent to live.
There is nothing flashy about the Gilman apartments. Basic, motel-like rooms, stacked one on the other, and side-by-side. Zero was satisfied with this, though. He never has liked anything extremely flashy anyways. And plus, Zero's pay-checks were not up to the level to where he could just buy anything that he wanted.
He had come home to this apartment after last night's "Hell Of A Show". He was in a brutal match, but easily defeated Semper Fi. Blade's appearance had shed some mystery on the whole situation, but Zero wasn't thinking too hard about what could be going on there. At the present moment, though, he is still trying to get situated into his new apartment.
In the corner, a cd player plays "5 Minutes Ago" by Fast To Nowhere. As Zero unfolds luggage, he starts to take his collection of t-shirts from various concerts, such as Bad Religion, Pennywise, and Fast To Nowhere, and hangs the shirts in his closet like how someone would hang their suits. But, then again, his t-shirts are his 'suit'. He unfolds all of his pants, and arranges them into the closet. Cargo's first, then blue jeans. After that, arranged by color.
Zero takes all of the laudry that needs to be washed, and throws it into a pile in the center of his floor. He then notices that the t-shirt that he has on, his Anarchy t-shirt, has a huge stain on the sleeve. So, he takes that shirt off, and tosses it into the floor. He walks to the back of the apartment, to the bathroom, and glances into the mirror. He looks at the reflection of the tattoos that run from his shoulder to his elbow on his right arm, thinking of how he should get some new tattoos, but not quite sure what to get. The tattoos he has presently are a clouded circle on the curve of his shoulder, followed by an interlocking tribal barbwire tattoo. Below that, a string of static lines run about, which are right above an uncomplete band, yet another tribal tattoo. Below that are an assortment of stars, which surround the arm, varying in size. Two lines go around his arm under the stars, and the tattoos are completed with a spider-web tattooed on Zero's elbow. But, is that enough tattoos? Zero looked over them, giving it a thought.
Coming out of the bathroom, Zero notices that some mail has been delivered to his apartment through the slit in the door. As the mail lays on the floor, he is amazed that he is already getting mail. He walks over, and picks it up.
There were 3 pieces of mail. One was from the Army, wanting new recruits. In Zero's opinion, asking anyone if they're willing to die without a cause. Zero tears that in two, and tosses it to the side. The other is a note from the HEW, reporting damages done to the HEW Headquarters. Zero pauses, but then tears that up, too. If they want their money bad enough, they'll ask him in person for it. Besides, it wasn't his fault.
The last piece of mail, though, was an unusual one. It was a forwarded letter. Addressed to Lint Douglas, in care of the HEW. The date of the letter had been sent almost 2 weeks ago. Zero looked at the return address. Simon Kit, of Shreveport, Louisiana. Zero cocked an eyebrow, wondering if it could be possible...could this be the Simon he used to know? It couldn't be possible.
Curious, though, Zero slowly cut the seal to the letter. He opened the envelope, and pulled the folded piece of paper out. Zero took a deep breath, and slowly unfolded the paper. . . . . . .