(( *The screen fades from black. Color slowly appears on screen. "Infected" slowly plays in the background. The HEW logo appears onscreen, and then slowly gives way to the setting. . . . . . .*
San Diego, California. It is 3 o'clock in the morning. The night life is still. The city streets are slow and quiet. A gentle breeze from the ocean blows through occasionally, calming the warm air that is penetrating this coastal city. Otherwise, the night is still and at peace.
Along the outskirts of the city, far from any activity of the normal shine and glitter, lays a field. The grass has died away, giving way to loose sand covering it for as far as the eye can see. In this field sits an idle carnival ground. Completely forgotten and discarded, this carnival has been abondoned for years. The cotton candy booth; empty and dry. The ferris wheel; rusted and ignored. The bumper cars; sitting in motionless action. The kamakazi; once feared by frozen spectators, now sits dormat with electricity.
Across the carnival, sitting back from the moving rides that had enticed children for years, sits the building of mystery. The building that offered no promise of a return. The building that never assured anyone of the correct way out. Sitting at the back of the carnival, the House of Mirrors idly waits for it's next prey.
*The view slowly comes up to the house of mirrors.*
The house of mirrors is dark inside; darkness repeated indefinately. Suddenly, a flame reflects off of every mirror inside of the building, coming out of the door magnified five times from it's original light strength. Slowly, the bright flame dies, and gives way to a smaller fire of light. It reflects off of the mirrors, giving the impression of hundreds.
Suddenly, the lights to the house of mirrors comes on. The light is strikingly bright bouncing off of the mirrors, and unexpected in the dark area. The burning light is nothing more than compared to a flashlight on a sunny day now.
Inside of this room, a figure stands. A figure with over 100 reflections. The burning light of his cigarette gives off a thin, slowly rising smoke. His hair is dyed jet black, and spiked up. The metal of his chain wallet and stud bracelets reflect brightly off of the shining lights in the room. Zero stands, motionless.
As he lifts his right arm to take a drag of his cigarette, his shirt sleeve rises a little, showing the swelling of the new double line tattoo he has just gotten below the spider-web tattoo. The stretching of the skin irritates the new tattoo a little, but he ignores it, inhaling smoke from his cigarette. He exhales, and the smoke reflects a hundred times off of the mirrors, before it finally excapes into the warm night air. Zero watches this, and then takes a step to his left.....or is it his right? The mirror bounces the image back and forth, skewing the clear image.
Zero stands, somewhere inside of the mirrors. He looks over both of his shoulders, looking at the 360 degree reflection that is being put forth. He drops his cigarette to the floor, twist his heel on it, and then begins to speak. ))
Zero: " Things in life can be deceiving. At one moment, you think you have everything figured out. The next, everything is messed up, and no one is sure what to expect. You can never expect to expect what is expected. "
(( Zero turns, and walks off, or forward, the mirrors are making it difficult to follow Zero's movements clearly. He walks straight, and settles against a mirror. He slides his back down, and sits down. ))
Zero: " The questions circulating are endless. So many answers are being thrown up about what Blade and I are. So close are the answers, but they are so short of the truth. Blade and I have teamed in the past, out of respect for each other, and a purpose was needed to be accomplished. For one night, we combined ourselves for a greater cause. And that is the extent of the "relationship" between Blade and I. There is nothing more. What more could there be?
But again, there are similarities between Blade and I. I was once aligned in a group of fellow wrestlers where I didn't fit in, where I didn't feel right. I wanted to go my own way, and do things the way I wanted them done. Of course, I refer to Terror Inc. I turned my back on them, forcing a defeat on them at the hands of Elite.
Likewise, Blade was in a group where he didn't fit in. A group where he carried the entire load of wrestlers who were dependant on people. A group where a boss was a manic driven phycho who was only watching out for himself. Of course, I refer to the Elite. He turned his back on them, forcing a defeat on them at the hands of Terror Inc. Full Circle?
For these reasons, I respect a man who is independant. A man who decides to take matters into his own hands, and relies on no one else. Respect. But that is where it ends. "
(( Zero slides his left knee up, reaching into the pocket to retrieve a pack of cigarettes. He opens the pack. Only one cigarette left. He retrieves it, and lights it. Zero tosses the empty box to the side. The mirrors reflect the box, making it appear to bounce back and forth while it passes through air. ))
Zero: " Since Havok has assumed position now of Commishioner of HEW, he has taken the joy in booking matches that he assumes will be natural blocks in friendships. He has signed a match between the stable mates Kevin Powers and Apocolypse. Normally a tag-team, he assumes that they will have a hard time fighting each other. But, why would someone have a hard time fighting each other?He has also signed a match between I and the man I have just spoken of, Blade.
He has also signed a match between I and the man I have just spoken of, Blade. He believes there's a "team" between the two of us. But, actually, that team was only for one night for a certain reason. We have respect for each other, but Zero and Blade are not afraid to face each other. Havok, you think that you have out smarted the two of us? You think that you have called our bluff? You think that since you are in control, you know what you are doing now? Well, we have no bluff to call. Our cards are on the table. Zero and Blade will fight Tuesday. There will be a winner. It will be a match to remember. And, remember Havok, once the match starts, there isn't a thing you can do about it! "
(( Zero raises his cigarette to his mouth, and exhales the thin cloud of smoke. He sits, thinking to himself for a few moments. His gaze drifts off to the array of mirrors that surround him. He then begins to speak again. ))
Zero: " Thinking on last Friday. When Nocturnal and Havok's hands were raised at the end of their beating on J-Smooth. I was there to see parts of the action. But I wanted no part of it. It was not my war. It was not Blade's war. This company is J-Smooth's. It was his war. And he let every wrestler in the fed down when he lost total control of the fed.
I am not in this. Havok thinks that he can control me, tell me what to do. But rebellion is what drives me. An authority figure doesn't impose any restriction on me. It merely provides a fun challenge to get around.
Terror Inc., my former stable mates, they can have their fun controlling the fed. They can play around with signing matches. But it will all come to an end. They just need to make sure they don't make enemies while they have power, because those enemies will still be around when they are just a mere wrestler again. "
(( Zero raises up from his sitting position. He thumps his cigarette through the air, the mirrors doing it's tricks to it. Zero then takes a stud bracelet off of his wrist, and straps it in front of his knuckles. ))
Zero: " But like I said. Never expect to expect the unexpected. "
(( Zero calms himself, and then punches straight through a mirror. The shattering reflects through out the entire house as the image of Zero is replaced by breaking glass. The initial shattered mirror sets off a chain reaction, with each mirror breaking, and the mirror after it.
Glass erupting in the house is heard at loud volumes, and then sparks outside at the breaker to the house start to fly. The breaker catches of fire. It adds to the shattering glass.
Suddenly, an eruption is heard inside of the house. A loud break....snap....and then an explosion. Fire bursts throughout the building. The fire carries over the breaker lines, onto other items at the abandoned carnival. Suddenly, everything is catching on fire.
A cloud of smoke builds through the carnival, and the stench of burned wires penetrates the air. The wind picks up the smoke and smell, and carries it off further.
Before too long, the fire department arrives. But are they too late? They try to put out the flames, but there are too many. There are so many flames, that the fire fighters do not notice the figure slowly walking out of the carnival grounds, heading into the night life. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion