(( Cleveland, Ohio. The fans have all gone home. The wrestlers have departed to their hotel rooms for the night. HEW workers are loading the equipment from the back before the disassemble the ring and decorations. Janitors and cleaners are picking up trash left over by fans after HEW's "Hell of a Show". Most of the lights in the arena are out. Most, except for one spotlight, from the overhead lights display. It is shining down in the center of the ring.
Along the ropes, against the turnbuckle to the ring, a figure sits. The smell and smoke of a cigarette looms over this figure. Upon closer inspection, although all indications pointed to this, the figure is Zero. He sits in the corner, while taking the occasional drag, he looks around at the massive arena.
He is dressed as he would normally be dressed for a match. An Anarchy t-shirt, cargo pants, and Chuck Taylor's. And he was even scheduled for a match tonight. "Zero", was scheduled for a match. But it didn't happen, at least, for how Havok expected it to happen.
Zero takes the last drag that his filter will allow, and then thumps the cigarette over the ropes, landing in a seat. He then begins to speak. ))
Zero: " Commishioner HaVoK. You conquered the world, only to have the free thinkers elude your grasps. Tonight, you got your "Zero vs. Blade" match. Yes, for a night, there were actually two Zero's and two Blade's in the HEW. The question was, which were you wanting to see?
Do you think that you can just boss me around, and tell me when I have to wrestle, and who I have to wrestle against? No! I am the one who decides my own fate. Your little position means nothing to me. Do I really care if you have a desk now? No.
You see HaVoK, when you try to tighten your grisps on me, I slip further away. You thought you had pulled off the biggest idea of your life. Zero vs. Blade, must be a winner. But, I know ways around anything. If I didn't, I would be laying dead in the street somewhere. But I'm not, which means I am around even longer to make the pours on the back of your neck sweat blood. "
(( Zero raises from his sitting position, and leans back against the top turnbuckle. The glare in his green eyes seems to taper off, meaning anger instead of softening like the case would be for most people. ))
Zero: "Are you really that afraid of me HaVoK? That would stoop to the level of trying to degrade me in a match? Just because you have "power"? And you seem to think you can tell me where I have to be. You know, it's none of your concern where I am during a house show. If I miss one, it's because I have found something more important to do. Don't think that you can start ordering me for appearances as well as matches now.
Are you afraid of the potential that was released from your grasps when I left Terror Inc.? All of the chaos that is Zero, gone from your plans of grand ideas that are now watered down interpretations of what was Terror Inc. I knew where it was headed. I could see it in your eyes. You weren't the same HaVoK that I used to know. The HaVoK that I used to know busted his ass for position in the HEW. He strived to become something great. I was the Hardcore champion, but I was aware of your presence below me. Your desire and additude did not go unnoticed to me. And, an unknown respect was made to you. You would of gotten that title shot before.....before.......I was framed.
Now I come back, and I see a whole new HaVoK. One who I do not recognize. One who is no longer driven by passion, but more so by greed. HaVoK, you changed. While it may have been gradual to some, for me, after a span of two months without contact to the outside world, your change became very apparant to me. And I took note of this.
It would appear to the common spectator that the roles have been reversed. Your the champion, and I'm below you. But, we both know the truth. You're just too afraid to admit it. I was better then you, and always will be. Now, you're just trying to cover up the facts by signing matches that would ridicule me. But HaVoK, keep your friends close to you. Maybe they won't notice when your additude changes again, and that way, you can turn on them just as quickly as you turned on the HEW. "
(( Zero lowers his head, and turns to face the turnbuckles. He leans, and rests on them for a moment. Then, the ring crew come barging into the arena main area. They see Zero, and start demanding for him to leave, because they don't need any hinderences while they do their work.
Zero looks up at them, and disregards their comments. He walks across the ring, through the far ropes, and makes his way into the upper regions of the arena. ))
midi: "Infected" by Bad Religion